Benefits of UV Protection For Your Eyes

Updated on April 27, 2022
Hat, sunglasses and sun lotion. Exuma, Bahamas

Protecting against UV rays is a staple in our culture at this point. We all know to put sunscreen on at the beach, and most of us wear sunglasses when we go outside. However, not all sunglasses protect against everything we need them to. Most over-the-counter, cheaper sunglasses will do a fair amount to reduce the sun’s glare, but often they aren’t UV protected. Even on an overcast and cloudy days, our eyes are susceptible to the sun. The sun may not be entirely out, but the clouds, windows, and mirrors of cars reflect UV rays in the environment. To protect against UV rays, you’ll need specifically designed UV protection glasses to keep those harmful rays out of your eyes and off of your skin. Whether you wear glasses to aid your vision, everyone should have a pair of UV protection glasses on hand for any outdoor activities. Keep reading to learn more about the different kinds of UV rays these glasses protect against and other benefits of using protection sunglasses! 

Block all Types of UV Rays 

There are two types of UV rays that can damage our skin and eyes. The primary one blocks against sunscreen and causes both burning and tanning. UV protective sunglasses will protect your eyes against both of these harmful rays. But, unfortunately, cheap, over-the-counter sunglasses will not. 

Protect Against Glaucoma and Sun Damage 

Another benefit of using UV protective glasses is that it protects against more than just the sun itself. It also helps prevent conditions like glaucoma and eye cancer from exposure to the sun. These things can take time to develop, so why not start protecting your vision by using real UV protection to reduce the chances of developing one of these conditions? Some may be more predisposed to these conditions, but exercising caution with protective sunglasses will help reduce the chances of developing sun damage-related eye conditions. 

Clear Vision 

In general, wearing UV protective sunglasses will help you see more clearly during the day, but there are also lightly tinted lenses for filtering low light in darker climates or at night. Imagine seeing more clearly during the day without having to squint and knock into things! When you introduce UV protection into your daily activities, that’s the reality ahead of you. Even if you wear normal glasses already, having tinted lenses that protect your eyes against sun rays will make your vision that much better on those bright summer days ahead of us. 

Reduce Glare 

The sun’s rays can reflect off your windows, other cars, and even the clouds when driving. This intensifies UV rays, making them more damaging when we’re in the car. So even if it’s not sunny, you’re still running risk of damage from UV rays. UV glasses will reduce glare, making it safer to drive visually and protect your eyes against intensified sun rays that can cause more damage. 

Reduce Exposure Symptoms 

If you suffer from headaches or migraines, the sun may be exacerbating your symptoms! Intense sun exposure without eye protection can cause headaches and migraines. Wearing UV protective glasses while outside will help block those bright rays and reduce the chances of triggering a headache or painful migraine. These symptoms can sometimes be prevented by something as simple as protecting your eyes when exposed to bright light from the sun. Additionally, you can control your eyes from suffering burns and damage, just like your skin. Our eyes are compassionate and can experience the same outcomes that our skin can from sun exposure. Burning, pain, and discomforts are all signs of over-exposed eyes and a sign that you need UV protective glasses in your life as soon as possible! 

There are many benefits to using UV protection for your eyes! The big reason is that they protect against UVA and UVB rays, something that not all sunglasses do. This is especially true for cheap, over-the-counter glasses. UV protection can help reduce glare and improve vision in the sun while also helping to reduce the chances of developing sun damage-related eye conditions. UV protective glasses will enhance your vision and help you live a more fulfilled life outside, no matter your activities, as the months get warmer and the sun gets brighter. Remember always to wear sunscreen, and grab yourself a pair of UV protective glasses today! 

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