Mary A. O’Connor, PhD, MSN, RN


Student Loan Relief for Nurses Program

Mary A. O’Connor, PhD, MSN, RN

The Student Loan Relief for Nurses Program (SLRN) provides funds to forgive part of RNs and LPNs student nursing loans, and there ...

Around the Region

Gov. Wolf Signs Bills Supporting Health Care Workers and Students

Mary A. O’Connor, PhD, MSN, RN

Governor Tom Wolf signed into law House Bill 253 on January 26, 2022, and it is now Act No. 2  of 2022.( This ...


Nurse Licensure Compact in Pennsylvania

Mary A. O’Connor, PhD, MSN, RN

Act 68 of 2021, the Nurse Licensure Compact Act (NLC), was signed into law in Pennsylvania by Governor Wolf on ...