Most people have a list of favorite beauty products—those that make them feel good, or that are inexpensive, easy to find and smell great. But could some of your go-to beauty products actually be damaging your skin? Read on to find out what ingredients to avoid, and what kinds of products you should steer clear of if you want healthy, beautiful skin:
Cheap Drugstore Finds
We love a good bargain as much as the next person, and believe that great beauty products don’t have to be fancy or expensive to work. The problem is that a lot of inexpensive beauty products that can readily be found at the drugstore contain harsh ingredients that may not be beneficial for your skin. When choosing products to include in your beauty regimen, opt for natural beauty products made from high quality ingredients, such as those offered by
This beauty brand believes in using only the finest natural ingredients that will nourish and protect your skin, making it healthier and more beautiful. Well Within Beauty also believes in your holistic wellbeing, so they offer nutritional supplements for healthy skin as well as well-researched articles on how you can change your lifestyle to look and feel more beautiful.
Your Favorite Fragranced Products
Beauty products that smell wonderful are a treat to the senses and are extra enjoyable to use. Who doesn’t love slathering on a scrumptious-smelling body lotion or lathering up with a luxurious body wash that smell heavenly? We hate to break it to you, but you may want to take a closer look at the ingredients of some of your favorite fragranced beauty products.
Heavily fragranced products may contain essential oils that give them their wonderful smell. The problem with essential oils is that they can also be highly sensitizing or irritating to your skin, especially in high doses or with the wrong formulation. Essential oils have been known to cause allergies, rashes or breakouts in individuals with sensitive skin.
Do be careful with products that contain high amounts of essential oils like cinnamon, bergamot and lemon, and be sure to study the ingredients lists of the beauty products you use to ensure that you aren’t allergic to anything you would be putting on your skin.
Overly Abrasive Scrubs
Face and body scrubs are a great way to get rid of dead skin cells that may be sitting on the surface of your skin, making it look dull and lackluster. They can also give you that “squeaky clean” feeling and make you feel completely cleansed and spotless. This is especially refreshing after a sweaty workout or during the warm summer months when you tend to sweat more and produce more oil.
Face and body scrubs can be very beneficial to your skin when used the right way, but when used improperly, they can also cause terrible damage. When using face and body scrubs, be careful not to rub too vigorously. Otherwise, you’ll risk scratching up your skin and causing tiny wounds called micro tears.
Be wary also of using scrubs with overly aggressive ingredients like crushed walnut shells or pumice. No matter how gently you scrub your skin with these products, they could still end up stripping it clear of natural moisture and causing rashes and irritation. Gentler scrubs are those that contain sugar, oatmeal or jojoba beads.
An even gentler way to exfoliate is by using acids instead of physical scrubs. This may sound intimidating, but facial acids are safe to use and very effective at cleaning out your pores and getting rid of dead skin cells. Start with a mild exfoliator like glycolic or lactic acid and you will soon start to notice a glow to your skin.
At the end of the day, it’s always important to pay attention to what you put on your skin. Certain products may be inexpensive and be enjoyable to put on, but if they’re made from the wrong ingredients, they could be causing more harm than good to your skin. Prevention is better than cure, so it’s always best to make healthy, informed choices so you can avoid skin problems that may be difficult to treat.
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