Anti-Dandruff Shampoo May Not Be Good For You

Updated on January 22, 2020

Your scalp may be itching all the time, and you may be self-conscious of the flakes that float down from your head. It’s a problem you can’t shake off, and it’s probably causing you so much embarrassment. Dandruff is quite common, but it can be stubborn and difficult to treat. Don’t feel so bad because having dandruff does not mean you have poor hygiene. You can take very good care of yourself and still suffer from recurrent dandruff. It could be as simple as using the wrong hair products.

Do not delay seeking expert advice

It’s best to consult a dermatologist in Murray before you start emptying the coal tar shampoo bottle you just bought. Chronic dandruff persists when left unchecked, or when you’re not dealing with it properly. Coal tar shampoo could make your scalp more sensitive, which in turn exacerbates the condition. Your dandruff might already require medical attention.

When itching on the scalp indicates something more serious

Some cases of dandruff go beyond excessive flaking due to scalp irritation. When it persists despite your efforts to get rid of them, you might be dealing with a fungal infection or seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatitis is a medical condition similar to eczema, and fungal infections will not go away with anti-dandruff shampoo. When dandruff persists despite your best efforts, it’s time to consult a physician about your scalp problems. Know when to give up trying, and channel your energy elsewhere.

Home-made remedies may not be adequate

Your cupboard is a great source of homemade remedies for dandruff, foremost of which is apple cider vinegar. Some people lose the flakes after an application of apple cider vinegar and water. Your hair would smell slightly vinegary but some people swear by it. Baking soda also comes highly recommended. It works for some, particularly dandruff sufferers with excess oil production from the scalp. Unfortunately, it does not work for everyone. Natural oils are helpful in reducing scalp irritation and discomfort. You can try the fancy ones, but any oil that moisturizes should be adequate.

When dandruff is a consequence of hair treatments

Some dermatologists report cases of dandruff triggered by keratin treatments to straighten hair. The treatment itself involves injection of keratin into the follicles to manage frizz. The injected protein improves hair health, and makes it look shiny and smooth. Dandruff may develop after the treatment itself, when people use special types of shampoo to preserve the effects of the treatment. When shampoo solution remains on the scalp due to inadequate rinsing, flakes could start to develop.

Solutions for dandruff

You can go easy on the coal tar shampoo for now. That is, until you can get expert advice. Nevertheless, be ready to do more for your scalp to remove dandruff completely, and prevent it from returning. For instance, exfoliation helps remove dead skin, which reduces the formation of flakes and allows for topical solutions to penetrate. You can also invest in shampoo with anti-fungal ingredients. Most of the time, dandruff is due to fungus on the scalp. Look for the following ingredients: ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, tea tree oil, and selenium sulfide.

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