Disabled people have several barriers. Negative attitudes can make them uncomfortable or even stress them out. Because the disabled are no lesser human beings just like the rest of us, it’s important to treat them well.
You can do that by buying support accessories from Rehagirona or other online shops. After all, they have many strengths, skills, and talents that can make an organization more productive.
Here are other ways you can assist the disabled:
- Use Simple Words And Clear Sentences To Communicate
Speaking with people who have developmental disabilities or other cognitive problems is something you can easily learn. Make sure you use clear sentences, concrete concepts, and simple words. Check your speech’s pace and ensure it matches theirs as well. Also, avoid talking to or interrupting them when they’re speaking.
- Address Them Directly
Address disabled people directly and ensure you maintain eye contact even if they are with their interpreter or attendant. You must focus on the person as they can be inaudible at times due to having low hearing sensitivity.
If there is going to be a long conversation where it would feel like too much of a strain on your neck (or theirs), sit down when conversing face-to-face with somebody sitting in a wheelchair–they don’t want anyone towering over them.
- Ask Before Offering Assistance
Never assume that disabled people require assistance. You must always ask if they need help before offering assistance because the person may actually not need anything, or even just wants to do it themselves. If they want your help, make sure you have clear instructions on how to go about assisting them so everything goes smoothly and easily for both of you.
- Be Friendly To Their Family Members
Most disabled individuals depend on their families to provide care giving or companionship to them. In some cases, the spouse of the disabled person may leave the workforce because they need to care for them. Being friendly to the family members can motivate them to continue doing the good work. It may also lessen their stress and show them that people are concerned about their needs.
- Respect Their Personal Space
Most individuals who use canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and other mobility aids regard them as their personal space. You should never start to push a disabled person’s wheelchair without first asking for their permission. Also, avoid leaning on, touching, or moving these aids because it may be dangerous and show disrespect in some cases.
- Confirm Accessibility Before Inviting Them To Meetings
It’s important to plan when it comes to meeting with people who are disabled. Confirm the meeting place and send advance instructions on how they can access that location before you meet up.
Ask if they need anything special or accommodations like the ones in Rehagirona beforehand so they feel included in the process. Mistakes happen, but what’s most important is making sure disabled people participate and have an equal say throughout all discussions.
Final Thought
You may feel awkward when interacting with disabled people. Unfortunately, that awkwardness may make you disregard such individuals unknowingly. It’s best to ask how you can assist them to make them feel comfortable.
Don’t let an uncomfortable atmosphere get between you and those who are different than yourself at work. Take a step outside your comfort zone and support them.
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