All you need to know about Andropause Treatment West Palm Beach

Updated on December 16, 2021

All you need to know about Andropause Treatment West Palm Beach.jpeg

There are many health conditions that come about naturally as we grow older. Our bodies change with age – just as a car as parts that get worn out, so some of ours become less than perfect – and as we are a complex being there is quite a lot that can go wrong. For women, the menopause is a given. It’s a hormonal change that alters the way they feel and operate. But what about me? Do men undergo a similar change?

Not all men go through the male menopause – also known as the andropause – but for those who do it can be quite a noticeable crisis. In the article that follows we are going to look at what the male menopause is and how andropause treatment can help. We will outline the common symptoms and what you should do if you believe you are undergoing the andropause. Let’s begin by explaining why the male menopause is experienced by many men of a certain age.

What Causes the Male Menopause?

As people – both men and women – a lot of how we operate is governed by hormones. These are chemical substances that carry signals to the nervous system and are important in every area of our daily lives. As we grow older these hormones stop being produced in the quantities we need to operate as we were when we were young. That’s why male sexual performance drops away as we age.

You may know that the hormone responsible for sexual performance is called testosterone – also known as the ‘male hormone.’ Yet testosterone is not just about sex. Produced by the testes, testosterone is also responsible for regulating muscle mass, for keeping both your mental and physical strength and fitness high, and it plays a strong part in your essential ‘fight or flight’ response. The latter is where the body responds to a shock situation by making a snap decision one way or the other.

Loss of testosterone is normally experienced by men over the age of 50 but is not limited to them. Men of far younger ages have experienced the andropause and there are no indications as to when it will come about. We’ll look at the symptoms in moment, but first let’s talk about andropause treatment, how it is administered, and what to expect.

What is Andropause Treatment?

The main method of andropause treatment is actually that involving lifestyle changes. Very often testosterone loss is accelerated by heavy drinking of alcohol, by smoking, by lack of exercise and by poor general health. A doctor will always recommend attention to these areas before going down any other route.

If this is not the answer, then they may recommend hormone replacement therapy. This is usually done by way of testosterone patches that ‘leak’ the hormone into the system thus rejuvenating the levels in the individual. However, this is not always suitable for some people, and will also need to be undertaken alongside the lifestyle changes the doctor will insist upon.

If you really are serious about regaining your libido, for example, and improving your weakening sexual performance giving up smoking, drinking less alcohol and committing to an exercise regime will be a required part of your recovery and treatment regime. You can learn more about andropause treatment if you click that link. Next, we want to look at what the symptoms of male menopause are, and whether or not you should seek treatment.

Symptoms of Male Menopause

As we have mentioned the male menopause is generally experienced by men over 50, yet it can be seen in younger men and can be the result of a chosen lifestyle routine. While not a dangerous ailment in itself, it can lead to changes in one’s approach and personality that may lead men towards serious depression. A sudden loss of sexual ability, for example, can put a high level of strain on a relationship. The following are some of the main symptoms of andropause.

  • Low energy levels 
  • Depression or feeling very low
  • Lack of motivation
  • Poor self-confidence
  • Difficulty concentrating on anything
  • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
  • Putting on weight
  • Reduced muscle mass and feelings of physical weakness
  • Gynecomastia, or development of breasts
  • Decreased bone density
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced libido
  • InfertilityAll you need to know about Andropause Treatment West Palm Bea.jpeg

The problem with the above list is that while they are accepted symptoms of male menopause and a reduction in testosterone production all of them can also be symptomatic of a number of other illnesses and conditions. This is why if a young, healthy male who drinks only in moderation, doesn’t smoke, and takes regular exercise experiences a combination of any of the above it is essential they see a doctor as soon as possible. 

If you experience any of the above and you fit the lifestyle pattern or are older than 50 then the male menopause is a likely culprit, and you may want to seek treatment and perhaps undergo testosterone replacement therapy. Let’s talk a little more about that before we close.

What to Expect when Having Andropause Treatment?

If you are recommended a course of testosterone replacement therapy and remember that many men undergo andropause treatment with success, you will be expected to meet the lifestyle changes needed to enhance the success of the treatment. No doctor will give the go ahead for treatment to men who do not show willing to comply with these requirements as the treatment may not work in such situations. 

It is in your interest to go through the treatment process if you want to feel better in yourself and keep your relationship sound and healthy. Some patches go on the skin, but the more successful ones are placed inside after a small incision has been made. 

Talk to your doctor right now for a diagnosis and advice on what to do in the first instance, and they will help you get your life back on the right path and feel great in yourself once more. 

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