ACMH Using Technological Breakthrough for Early Detection of Lung Cancer

Updated on June 3, 2016
Dr. Matthew Synan is using the thoracic navigation machine and a tip-tracked instrument in his bronchoscope and is able to see exactly where he is in the patient’s lungs, as well as where he needs to go in order to reach the target. Notice the square field generator over the patient that can track patient breathing in order to compensate for respiratory motion.
Dr. Matthew Synan is using the thoracic navigation machine and a tip-tracked instrument in his bronchoscope and is able to see exactly where he is in the patient’s lungs, as well as where he needs to go in order to reach the target. Notice the square field generator over the patient that can track patient breathing in order to compensate for respiratory motion.

Screening & diagnosis now can be completed in one appointment, leading to faster decision on treatment

ACMH Hospital performed its first lung cancer diagnosis procedure using the SPiNView® Thoracic Navigation System by Veran Medical Technologies. This system aids physicians in the early detection of lung cancer, which is the key to saving patients’ lives. There are currently no facilities in the city of Pittsburgh utilizing the Veran system, making ACMH a destination hospital for patients seeking out minimally-invasive solutions.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths, killing more Americans each year than breast, prostate, colon and pancreatic cancers combined. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 224,000 Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. The good news is that with early detection, the survival rate increases from 15 percent (stage IV) to as high as 92 percent (stage I).

ACMH has recently conducted procedures using this cutting edge technology. The procedures were done by thoracic surgeon Rodney Landreneau, MD and pulmonologist Matthew Synan, MD, with support from a number of hospital departments.

“This new procedure using the SPiNView® allows us great clinical accuracy with minimal invasion to the patient,” said Dr. Landreneau. “We get great diagnostic information and the patient experiences little disruption – we don’t even have to make an incision to get at growths deep within the lungs.”

The SPiNView® Thoracic Navigation System is the only system in the world that allows physicians to accurately access small lung lesions via multiple approaches. This assists physicians in detecting lung cancer earlier and without the need for multiple hospital visits for diagnostic procedures.

“This new technology revolutionizes the speed and accuracy with which we can diagnose lung cancers,” said Dr. Synan. “Now we can begin treatment even sooner.”

The procedure is done in the operating room, but since no incision is made, surgical masks do not need to be worn. The lungs are accessed by a probe through the patient’s nose. When the lung sample is retrieved, it is identified right in the operating room by the pathologist and staff of the ACMH laboratory. The doctor therefore knows the results quickly and the patient knows the results almost immediately post-surgically.

The Veran thoracic navigation system allows for GPS-like guidance within the airways. 
The Veran thoracic navigation system allows for GPS-like guidance within the airways.

“The SPiNView® Thoracic Navigation System is a technological breakthrough that allows me to access all

peripheral lung lesions, regardless of size or location,” said Dr. Landreneau. “With the Veran system, I am even able to biopsy small nodules without a direct airway using SPiNPerc, a navigated percutaneous approach. Being able to diagnose and treat these patients earlier leads to better patient outcomes. Ultimately, this helps us save lives.”

Starting this year, Medicare and all private insurance plans cover lung cancer screenings for high-risk individuals.


ACMH (Armstrong Center for Medicine and Health) is a comprehensive healthcare delivery system providing a spectrum of care to residents north of the City of Pittsburgh, including Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Clearfield, Indiana and Venango counties as well as the Allegheny Valley communities.

A destination point for healthcare in the northern communities, it features Advanced Cardiac Care services, a Concussion Care center, Hyperbaric treatment technology, 3D Mammography, a state-of-the art Emergency Department and is designated as a Primary Stroke Center. ACMH is also home to the Advanced Center for Lung and Esophageal Disorders, the Commission on Cancer (CoC)-accredited Richard G. Laube Cancer Center, and the Low Dose Lung CT Center of Excellence.

ACMH is comprised of ACMH Hospital, ACMH Anesthesia Services, LLC , ACMH Physician Network, ACMH Physician Services, Glade Run Medical Associates, Inc., Armscare, Inc., ACMH Auxiliary, and the ACMH Foundation.

About Veran Medical Technologies

Veran Medical Technologies is a privately held medical device company headquartered in St. Louis, MO. Veran delivers innovative thoracic navigation technologies that assist physicians in detecting and treating lung, liver and kidney cancers via a minimally invasive approach.

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