9 ways to promote your Digestive Health

Updated on October 3, 2020

In simpler words, the digestive system is the nutrient processing center. For the food you eat to become relevant to your health, it needs to be broken down into nutrients. This process of producing nutrients is called digestion. The foods you eat can impact your digestive health either positively or negatively. Improving your digestive health can enhance your overall health because all nutrients would be availed to your body. Here are some of the ways you can improve your gut health or do gut treatment.

Eat a High Fiber Diet

The recommended daily fiber intake is 25 to 30 grams from diet. Fiber helps food to keep moving in the gut thereby giving enough time for proper digestion of food into nutrients. Sufficient fiber prevents people from getting constipation. Some of the core sources of fiber include legumes, whole grains and vegetables.

Make Soup as Part of Your Diet

Soup, juice or lemon tea work to dissolve food in your gut. This means the intestinal walls will not have the task to dissolve the food. Once food is dissolved, it is easier for digestion to take place. If you make it a habit to add the above mentioned fluids, you will improve your digestive health.

Take Time to Masticate Your Food

Did you know that taking time to chew your food promotes your digestion? Starch is digested in the mouth which means if you don’t chew for long, some starch will go undigested. Bite small amounts and chew slowly until the food becomes uniform before you swallow it.

Physical Exercises Can Help

Every time you do cardio exercises, blood supply to the gut increases. Blood supplies nutrients to the gut so if the blood flow to the gut is increased, the nutrients also increase. The result is improved digestive system health. You can jog, do pushups or involve yourself in sports. Exercise an hour after a meal or an hour before meals.

Increase Your Probiotics

Probiotics are important bacteria that help to improve digestion in the gut. You already have some in the gut but you can add some more probiotics through eating foods like yogurt. Make it a habit to drink yogurt because it contains probiotics that aid in digestion. Some fermented foods also have probiotics that improve digestive health.

Optimize Your Fats

Fats are needed by the body as a store of energy during fasting. Don’t take a lot of fats because they tend to stay in the stomach for long periods of time before being digested. If you make it a habit to  eat high fat meals, you may experience a feeling of stomach fullness and lack of appetite.

Don’t Take Foods That Upset Your Gut

Some foods may not be friendly to your gut so make sure you don’t take them. Continued consumption of such foods can lead to bigger digestive problems. Some people get upset by foods that contain acid such as citrus foods. Other people get heartburn when they eat spicy foods.

Get Rid of Your Psychological Stress

You have heard of people getting ulcers due to stress? Well that is common because excess production of acid in the stomach comes with stress. Try to reduce your stress and live a happy life so that you can eat and stay mentally free. Stress can even reduce digestion leading to constipation.

Don’t Take Bad Drinks

Caffeine and alcohol are not good for health. The only good drink is tea especially one with lemon. You can also hydrate regularly with two liters of water on daily basis. Water is a nice dissolvent that keeps digestion easy in the gut.


Digestive health should be enhanced for one to live a healthy life and have  perfect well-being. Start practicing the above interventions slowly and you will have the best digestive health. With supplements like metagenics ultra flora, the gut can work efficiently thereby promoting a healthy life.

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