Updated on January 18, 2021

Writing is an important aspect of a child’s development. It is an activity that involves the use of different parts of our body. A child must bring together their mental processing ability, vocabulary, grammar and even the physical aspect of handwriting to be able to craft a good write-up.

The problem that most students face in colleges is that when it comes to academic writing they did not have a good foundation laid for them. When humans are at their infant stage they literally get conversant with anything you get them to grow up with. This therefore means that if we want our infants to have better writing skills then it is our duty as friends and family members to groom them up and improve their writing skills.

Writing skills are very important to a child’s development because it is related to a lot of mental inclined activities. Critical thinking is necessary for good writing and a child that has good critical thinking skills will have a good performance in all areas of the school curriculum.

Writing is also a way a child expresses their feelings, showcases what they know and what they learnt so far in school. Students need to be good writers in order to do well in their exams, complete their assignments and write essays, reports. Here are some tips that can help improve the writing skills of your kids and make them stand out academically. The earlier you cultivate this habit in them, the better and faster they will learn and master it.

  1. Encourage them to read: A good writer is definitely someone who reads widely. The more kids read, the more they are exposed to new words in context and they expand their vocabulary. Reading also exposes children to different ways of using words in sentence structure and they can easily put these words they have learnt into productive use by including them in their grammar.
  2. Let them make use of spelling and grammar checker: Technology is to be used positively to the advantage of a child’s development when your kid puts up a writing, make them use spelling and grammar checker online ti connect their written work of spelling and grammatical errors. They can also make use of college essay writing service to proofread and edit their work for them while you guide them through.
  3. Copying activities helps a lot: Make your children develop the habit of writing by copying their favorite music lyrics, poems, quotes or other pieces of written language. It can help improve their handwriting skills and when they copy, they read these sentences in their minds and it improves their writing skills.
  4. Parents should also get involved: Improving a kid’s writing skills is not just the job of the teacher in school alone. Parents have a huge role to play by helping their kids out in doing their assignments, guiding them on how to express their experiences and thoughts in writing.
  5. Make them write letters: Teach kids how to write letters, let them write letters to their friends, uncles and relations. Even though they are not going to be posted but let them take it seriously and after you get it and make corrections on them.
  6. Give them a writing space: just as there is a working space in the house, create a space for writing for your kids. A place quiet and free from distractions that kids can go in and express themselves through writing without distraction.
  7. Adore their work: Do not condemn your children’s work no matter how bad it is. Always encourage them by praising their work and making corrections where necessary. Let them know they can even be better by practicing more and reading more.
  8. Teach them how to make use of drafts: This is done by brainstorming, putting ideas on paper and ensuring that there is a flow of thoughts being put into writing. Help them to understand that a perfect sentence is obtained through a process of review and revision of what is written. Expose them to apps like word processors on computers that can help them to easily write and make corrections until they get the perfect sentence.
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