7 Things You Need to Do For Your Health Before Flu Season Hits

Updated on August 27, 2021

Prevention is the best medicine. The truth is that most people can’t afford to be sick for too long and going to work sick is a surefire way to get everyone in the office sick and suffering. Start preparing now for cold and flu season. Not everyone will get sick, but having a plan in place can help tremendously in case you do. On top of the normal cold and flu season, there is the added challenge of COVID-19 in the mix.

Ask About Remote Work Options

If you have a cold or might be coming down with something but you’re not all the way sick yet, you might be able to work from home. Ask your work now about remote work options so you can protect everyone in your office from your germs.

Eat More Fruit and Vegetables

Immune systems work best when they have everything they need. Fruits and vegetables contain powerful nutrients, antioxidants and so much more to help strengthen your body to fight off sickness. Starting now helps you prepare and get into the habit of eating well. While fall and the holidays are filled with amazing, tasty treats, those delicious things actually cause your immune system to work less effectively. More fruits and vegetables now and throughout the season are for your benefit.

Vitamin D

The days are getting shorter and while going outside is the best way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D, a quality D3 supplement is a good second best. Most people are already deficient in this important hormone. It’s a precursor to many processes in the body and not only can it help treat some viral illnesses, it’s also a good preventive.

Vitamin C

Your multivitamin doesn’t contain enough of this to make a difference. Some people take preventive doses of 1,000-5,000 mg of ascorbic acid to help prevent illness. It’s one of the main ingredients in many immune boosting supplements and has a lot of benefits. Vitamin C helps reduce inflammation in the body and can minimize the length of cold or flu symptoms.


Sleep is vital. You know how it feels when you don’t get enough sleep at night. You wake up feeling groggy, disoriented, headachy, and it’s hard to focus. It’s vital that you get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. You’ll feel better and be less prone to sickness.

Some tips to help you sleep better include limiting caffeine late in the day, turning off technology an hour before bed, and sleeping in the dark. A good sleep routine also goes a long way to helping your mind and body prepare for sleep. Too much technology right before bed impacts your body’s ability to produce melatonin which is essential for sleep.

Don’t Stress

Most people will get sick at least a few times in their lives. If you do happen to get sick with the flu, use your discount prescriptions card to try and get some Tamiflu and get some rest. Have medications on hand to help you with the worst symptoms, put your favorite movies on repeat, drink lots of fluid, and take care of yourself. Too much worry and stress will cause a lowered immune response, mental health challenges, and can make it harder to recover from sickness.

Move Around More

A good immune system is usually correlated with a healthy body that moves. While it’s not necessary to exercise at the gym every day, it is important to get up and move. More movement means that our body will be better prepared to handle viruses come cold and flu season. Daily walks outside help you get fresh air and extra exercise. They build up your cardiovascular strength, your muscle strength and give you an opportunity to get fresh air instead of breathing recycled air in your home or at work.

If you do these things now before flu season hits, you and your body will be better prepared no matter what comes your way. A healthy immune system is the best way to prevent or fight off any potential sicknesses. With the right habits, vitamins, healthy foods, and rest, you’ll be better off than without them.

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