Do you ever wonder how you can reduce or eliminate wound pain?
In the United States, there are over 55 million people who suffer from chronic wounds. Wound pains are often poorly managed and underestimated. The pain they inflict is unbearable or is enough of a bother to prevent people from focusing on their tasks.
So, to avoid fighting through the pain, try out these ways to treat a wound. Explore these methods to avoid making the wounds worse.
1. Seek Immediate Help
The best way to reduce wound pains is by seeking immediate wound treatment. Depending on your type of injury, you should visit a healthcare professional rather than leave it to heal on its own. Lacking medical care can lead to long healing processes and incorrect treatments.
Some wounds are difficult to treat on your own if you have no prior knowledge. A good way to know whether you need immediate care is by checking some signs. This includes:
- Persistent redness
- Swelling
- Oozing
You should also seek help if you develop a fever, confusion, and increasing pain. If you experience these when you get an injury, you should visit a doctor and get proper treatment.
2. Use a Home Remedy
Taking chemical disinfectants may have side-effects and can worsen your wound. Try using a natural remedy to help heal wounds, cuts, and bruises. Here are some effective natural remedies:
- Turmeric
- Raw honey
- Essential oils such as tea tree and peppermint
- Garlic
- Aloe vera
- Cinnamon
- Coconut oil
- Onions
Before using any of these natural ingredients, be sure to let it set in water first. You can also use zinc and vitamin C to help boost the healing process. Collagen is another great way to give more structure to your skin.
3. Watch What You Eat
Did you know that some foods can help heal deep wounds? Not only do they promote a healthy diet, but they can also boost your wound’s healing process.
Leafy green vegetables, like spinach and kale, are the number one foods that promote recovery. Leafy greens have plenty of nutrients like vitamin C, folate, and magnesium. They can decrease inflammation and enhances your immune function.
Lean protein is another healing food that fights infection and carries oxygen throughout your body. Add white-fleshed fish, tofu, beans, yogurt, and lean beef to your diet.
4. Clean Your Wound
Cleaning your wound now and then can prevent your wound from getting infections. Most wounds need to undergo wound debridement to remove dead tissue and fluids. You should contact your doctor if you see signs of infection such as inflammations and wound odor.
If you want to clean the wound yourself, you can start by washing your hands. You should apply gentle pressure to your wound if it starts to bleed. Use sterile gauze or clean cloth to press against the wound until it stops bleeding.
Then rinse the wound with water to remove and loosen any dirt and debris. Use a washcloth and mild soap to clean around the wound. If you have a burn, make sure you rinse under cool water for 10 to 15 minutes.
After rinsing, use an antibiotic ointment or cream to reduce scarring. You can try out Santyl ointment to boost your body’s natural healing process. Check out the Santyl ointment cost and description to inform yourself before buying.
5. Handle Wound Dressing Carefully
Wound dressings can help absorb blood along with other liquids from your wounds. The only time you should use a wound bandage is when you have a wound that is:
- Constantly bleeding
- Has to be clear of infections
- In need of additional support and protection
The best way to reduce the pain when using wound dressing is by choosing the right one. There are many types, from gauze and silicon to Hydrofiber and alginates. Ask for professional help to find the right one for your wound and how to secure it.
Don’t rush when changing your wound dressings. Removing it too fast can cause trauma to your wound bedding. You can take advantage of skin barriers to help you reduce trauma and prolong the wear-time.
Try to schedule a time and day to change your wound dressings. Leave the wound dressings for at least two days to avoid disturbing the healing process. After a few days, you can change the dressings about one to four times a day.
6. Respect the Healing Process
Although some foods can promote healing, other foods and beverages can do the opposite. While you’re healing from a wound, you should avoid alcohol. Alcohol can increase the inflammation of your wound.
Make sure you stay away from nitrate-rich foods like bacon, hotdogs, and many more. These foods can affect your blood vessels and slow down the healing process. There are plenty of chemicals, dyes, and additives in the foods that can create blood clots.
Be sure to avoid hydrogenated oils like margarine and fried foods. You should also reduce eating sweets and refined grains. These can break down your collagen, which affects your skin’s elasticity.
7. Try Distraction Techniques
Distraction techniques are activities that engage you to redirect your attention. It helps you steer away from focusing on the wound pains. You can try some of the common methods:
- Listening to music
- Watching movies and TV shows
- Mediation
- Breathing exercises
- Massage or acupuncture
This is a great way to alleviate the pain and gain extra benefits. It can lead to enhancing your skills and creativity. Distraction therapy also helps with freeing your mind of worries and negative emotions.
Seven Effective Ways to Reduce Wound Pain
Did you properly understand how to treat a wound and reduce your wound pains? Note that not all of these ways work on all types of wounds. Each of these ways aims to either boost your recovery or relieve the pain itself.
Are you looking for more information related to wound pain or medical care? Consider checking out our other blog posts for more information on self-care and medical care.
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