URL: https://pixabay.com/vectors/eye-dry-doctor-pain-inflammation-7077235/
Elmiron is a drug that treats interstitial cystitis; a bladder disease also called painful bladder syndrome. It may take close to three months of using the medicine to determine if the condition was treated successfully. If not successful, the doctor stops the Elmiron prescription after six months. Patients who have experienced success with the drug may use the drug long-term to treat interstitial cystitis, increasing the risk of eye damage development. This article discusses the common side effects and potential dangers of Elmiron.
Pigmentary maculopathy
People who use Elmiron for extended periods are at a greater risk of contracting pigmentary maculopathy, whose symptoms include night blindness, close vision loss, blurry vision, visual dimming, difficulty reading, seeing dark spots, and blindness. The hyperpigmentation on the eye’s macula distinguishes pigmentary maculopathy from other maculopathy types.
Since most patients taking Elmiron for more extended periods are older, the ocular damage is usually assumed to be age-related pattern dystrophy or macular degeneration. Nonetheless, further testing can prove its pigmentary maculopathy. Taking annual eye exams can help discover eye damage on time to stop Elmiron consumption. People who suffer eye damage can file Elmiron lawsuits for medical costs, lost wages, and other costs compensation.
Alopecia is another Elmiron complication that occurred within four weeks of beginning treatment during the drug’s clinical trials. Its symptoms may include tingling, itchiness, burning on your scalp, hair that breaks easily, issues with your toenails or fingernails, flake or scales from the hair loss areas, and swelling and redness on your scalp. Patients may experience hair loss in one spot. However, after stopping the drug usage, the hair can grow back.
Increased bleeding risk
Elmiron can increase your risk of bleeding, especially when taking high aspirin doses, blood thinners, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If you notice blood in your stool, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, or bruises easier, inform your provider.
Liver problems
Your liver breaks down Elmiron and clears it from the body. Tell your provider if you have liver problems because you might have a higher risk of taking the drug.
Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain can be severe or mild. Contact your doctor as soon as possible as you start experiencing pain so intense that you can’t move, sit still or find a comfortable position. You may also experience nausea, vomiting, bloody stool, or swollen abdomen. Stop taking the Elmiron drug immediately after you start getting the pain.
Eye pain
After taking Elmiron for extended periods, you may experience serious eye pain accompanied by some vision loss degree. Eye pain may occur on your eye’s surface or within the deeper eye structures. Pain on your eye’s surface may be burning, shooting, or itching. Get an eye exam to rule out any concerns. Stop taking Elmiron immediately after experiencing eye pain to prevent it from escalating to severe eye problems.
Skin rash
Rashes are temporary skin discolorations or eruptions and are mostly swollen or inflamed. They come in various severity levels and forms and can last for varying times. Stop taking Elmiron when rashes start appearing and seek medical attention.
While Elmiron can treat or reduce the effects of interstitial cystitis, long-term usage can be dangerous. Outlined above are common side effects and potential dangers of this drug.
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