The healthcare industry has never been easy to maneuver or work in for a myriad of reasons. From potential lawsuits to inherent dangers of contagion of diseases – working as a healthcare provider is replete with endless hazards and pitfalls. Thankfully, technology is playing an ever increasing role in keeping healthcare workers safe on the job. Here are six ways technology has revolutionized how healthcare workers can remain safe and healthy while providing quality care to patients in need.
Social Distancing Management
Thanks to an innovative tech device called Invisishield, clinic and hospital employees can get instant notification if they are not in compliance with social distance regulations. This is a wearable device that gives real-time alerts when healthcare workers come within 9 to 5 feet of each other. This has been an invaluable tech device in the pre, post and current days of COVID-19 when precautions in physical contact must be made in order to reduce the spread of the deadly virus.
Body Cameras
In today’s litigious age, more and more first responders are required to wear body cameras to document actions and behaviors. Increasingly, hospital staff workers are wearing body cameras as well. Body cameras add an extra level of accountability and mindfulness, which can be advantageous to patients. Furthermore, personal surveillance equipment also protects healthcare workers. It does this by providing playback evidence in the event a healthcare worker is accused of inappropriate medical practices.
Electronic Access
While this isn’t a new technology, electronic access tech is reaching new levels of advancement. To explain, electronic locks have been employed for keeping restricted areas secured and only accessible to authorized medical personnel. Electronic doors in exits and entrances to hospitals and clinics have also added extra security in medical facilities. Today, technology is advancing in medical centers around the world by providing them with fingerprint access, facial recognition or voice controls, which are far more accurate than earlier forms of tech security. What’s more, advanced access systems can now keep real-time records on who enters and exits various areas in a facility. These advanced protective measures are crucial to keeping medical employees and patients safe.
Remote Practices
At the height of COVID-19, healthcare workers were constantly struggling to provide care, while still keeping themselves and other patients safe. The necessity to diagnose patients while keeping them clear of the virus posed major problems, as human contact perpetuates the spread of the virus. This is when Telehealth started revolutionizing healthcare. Telehealth is a system that distributes health-related information via the internet and cloud-based databases. It allows medical workers to communicate with patients online without physical contact. This technology is a huge safeguard, and in part, it is responsible for reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus as it limits physical contact, thus minimizing exposure to the virus.
Medical Facility Panic Buttons and Alarm Systems
Technology has played a big role in keeping medical staff safe and secure through integrated, electric alarm systems. While most hospital facilities have standard alarm systems, technology is advancing to provide healthcare workers wearable devices known as “panic buttons.” These devices are to be depressed in the event a medical employee is in danger, or there is a threat of violence. These devices allow healthcare workers to provide better patient care, as they can feel more at ease while working in a hospital or clinical environment. According to the Massachusetts Nurses Association, 75% of healthcare workers admit to feeling unsafe in the workplace. Electronic alarm systems and wireless panic buttons can keep medical staff protected, as well as give them peace of mind while they do their jobs.
Mobile Applications for Personal Wellness in Healthcare Workers
At the height of the pandemic, 1 in 5 healthcare workers claimed to struggle with severe anxiety and/or depression. Thankfully, technology has helped medical workers combat mental health challenges with the help from mobile applications. Mobile apps such as Calm, HeadSpace, or BetterHelp have benefited healthcare workers by providing mental aid when needed. From online therapy sessions, to regulating moods throughout the day, mental health apps are proving very effective at helping healthcare workers manage stress and improve moods.
In conclusion, technology has been a life-saving factor in the healthcare industry. As technology continues to grow and make advancements, we’ll continue to see better methods to relieve pressure and protect healthcare workers who put their lives at risk every day to help others.
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