URL: https://pixabay.com/photos/mason-jars-dehydrated-fruit-oranges-2742757/
If you are looking to enjoy an all-natural meal, you should consider food dehydration. Dehydration is an effective method to store food while preserving natural nutrients, and it’s a healthy alternative for processed snacks and can be used in various recipes. Read on for five health benefits of dehydrating food.
1. Reduce the risk of bacteria and contamination
Dehydrating food eliminates moisture, an essential factor for bacteria, fungi, and other contamination to thrive. When you reduce the risk of bacteria, mold, yeast, and other contamination, you help prevent the chances of food poisoning. Ensure that you store your dehydrated food appropriately to avoid exposure to moisture.
2. No chemicals, additives, or preservatives
Dried foods contain only one ingredient, so you do not have to worry about additives, chemicals, and preservatives. Fruits and vegetables are also seasonal. This means that you may not access essential nutrients when they are not in season, which is why you should invest in a Magic Mill Dehydrator. Dehydrating food allows you to enjoy all-natural nutrients all year round, regardless of the season. This prevents you from buying canned foods that contain trans-fats, additives, and preservatives that are harmful to your health.
3. Dehydrated food is nutritious
Today, most foods you often consume contain chemical additives and preservatives, exposing you to many illnesses, including cancer. Consider dehydrating your food when storing it, as this allows you to preserve the natural enzymes, minerals, and vitamins in the food, as you use foods in their raw form. This makes dehydrated food more nutritious than foods stored using other preservation methods. Cooking also makes food lose its natural nutrients due to heat exposure.
4. Better digestion
Dehydrated fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, apples, mangoes, and cranberries are high in fiber and antioxidants. A high intake of fiber helps maintain your digestive system, not to mention preventing diarrhea, constipation, colorectal cancer, and hemorrhoids.
5. Improved sleeping patterns
Sugars are the simplest form of carbohydrates. Consuming a diet high in carbohydrates leads to high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that boosts sleep. It also suppresses orexin, the neurotransmitter that promotes alertness. These reactions affect your sleeping patterns, and you may experience difficulties maintaining sleep or end up getting low proportions of deep restorative sleep. Eating dehydrated foods improves sleeping habits as there are no sugars and additives in dried foods.
6. Boosts energy levels
If you’re feeling sluggish and drained, consider consuming dried food. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables provide a healthy and natural alternative to boost your energy levels. Since dehydrated meat, fruits and vegetables have a high concentration of essential nutrients and calories; they can boost your energy after a hike, biking, a quick workout, or a busy day. These foods are also portable, so you can always carry them when on the run, traveling, or working, providing a quick way to refuel.
With the various preservation methods available, you should opt for a technique that allows you to enjoy the natural nutrients in food. Consider dehydrating your food to reduce risks of bacteria and contamination, enhance digestion, improve sleeping patterns, boost energy levels and enjoy preservative-free nutritious foods all year round.
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