The popularity of vaping has risen tremendously in recent years.
Initially, vaping was mainly considered a smoking cessation aid. With time, however, the practice has evolved into a lifestyle. Today, there are millions of vapers with no history of cigarette smoking.
Vaping is viewed as a healthier alternative to cigarette smoking because there’s no combustion involved in vaping, hence no smoke production. Instead of inhaling toxin-laden smoke, as is the case with smoking, vapers inhale much cleaner vapor produced by heating vape materials in a vaporizer.
Another thing worth noting is that vaping allows you to consume several herbal extracts besides tobacco. One such extract is cannabidiol (CBD).
CBD is a compound in cannabis that medical researchers believe may help relieve various medical conditions. In this post, we highlight the top six things to know about CBD and vaping.
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- You’ll Require A CBD Vaping Starter Kit To Get Started
Vaping requires certain paraphernalia to get started. Since you’re planning to vape cannabidiol, it goes that your basic CBD starter kits for vaping would include a vaporizer and CBD vape oil.
The vaping market teems with vaporizers available in numerous shapes, sizes, and designs. Your choice of a vape device mainly depends on your experience level and budget needs.
If you’re an entry-level vaper, you may want to start with cigalikes. Cigalikes are considered first-generation electronic cigarettes (e-cigs). They resemble your regular cigarette roll, hence the moniker.
Due to their rather familiar shape, cigalikes are especially suitable for people trying to transition from smoking to vaping. After getting used to cigalikes, you can improve your vaping experience by experimenting with later-generation devices like vape and box mods.
- You’ll Need to Decide on CBD Products to Vape
When you’re done selecting the best vape accessories for you, it’s now time to give some thought to CBD. Vapable CBD products are generally available as e-juices or dry herbs.
E-juices (also known as e-liquid, vape juices, or vape oils) are CBD-infused vape oils intended for use with liquid cartridges. Besides cannabidiol, e-liquids also contain other ingredients that work synergistically with CBD to enhance your vaping experience. They include vegetable glycerin (VG), propylene glycol (PG), and flavorings.
If you’re new to vaping, your best bet is to start off with CBD vape juices. With time, you can transition into vaping dry herbs.
Dry herb vaping involves inhaling dried cannabis flowers heated in a special vape device known as a dry herb vaporizer. It’s a cleaner way to consume CBD than inhaling from liquid cartridges. That’s because the cannabis flowers used are unlikely to have undergone any refining.
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- Vaping CBD Offers Several Benefits
Most of the health benefits of vaping CBD tie back to cannabidiol.
First off, vaping CBD may offer relief from various forms of pain, including nociceptive and chronic pain. CBD alleviates pain by impacting the body’s receptors responsible for pain mediation.
Anxiety is another medical condition that you can manage by vaping cannabidiol. CBD combats anxiety by increasing the body’s signaling of the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter serotonin.
People with inflammatory conditions like acne and tumors may also benefit immensely from vaping CBD-infused vape oils. Cannabidiol exerts its anti-inflammatory properties by blocking the activation of the body’s core inflammatory markers, such as cytokines.
Other problems you may manage by vaping CBD include;
- Sleep disorders like insomnia
- Neurological conditions like epileptic seizures
- Metabolic disorders like diabetes
- Psychiatric issues like bipolar disorder
- CBD Won’t Get You High
Cannabis is widely famous for its psychoactive properties. But what many people don’t realize is that much of marijuana’s psychedelic effects are linked to a chemical known as tetrahydrocannabinol (CBD).
Cannabidiol is neither psychoactive nor intoxicating. So, you won’t get high from vaping pure CBD.
The closest cannabidiol may get to altering your state of mind is elevating your moods.
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- VG: PG Ratio Matters A Lot
Vegetable glycerin is a colorless, odorless, sweet-smelling plant-based substance characterized by its relatively thick consistency. VG is added to vape juices primarily to boost vapor production.
Due to its thick consistency, vegetable glycerin is notorious for gunking up the internal components.
Propylene glycol is a colorless, odorless, tasteless petroleum-derived compound added to e-juices mainly to increase flavor production. PG has a thinner consistency than vegetable glycerin. So, the substance is less likely to add gunk to the internal parts of your vaporizer.
However, PG has been linked to a harsh throat hit. A throat hit is the feeling of vapor as it hits the back of your throat.
As a new vaper, the conventional wisdom is to start by vaping CBD vape juices formulated with a VG: PG ratio of 60: 40%.
- Both CBD And Vaping Laws Vary
CBD laws vary from one state or country to another. So are vaping laws. Hemp-derived CBD is legal federally in the United States and many European Union countries.
But with the constantly changing legal landscape, there’s no telling which country will legalize or ban cannabidiol next.
Experts recommend familiarizing yourself with your local cannabidiol and vaping laws before vaping CBD.
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Wrap Up
Cannabidiol offers numerous health benefits. But if you’re considering becoming a CBD vaper, there are plenty of things to consider before taking the plunge.
And when all is said and done, remember to practice moderation. Both CBD and vaping may trigger adverse effects if overdone.
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