It’s never easy admitting that you can no longer look after yourself. You might have spent your entire life being self-sufficient, and now even the most basic self-care tasks are too much to manage. However, taking that final step and moving into assisted living can be daunting, and you might not know if you’re entirely ready. Here are some of the signs indicating that you might be.
You Can’t Keep Up With Basic Household Chores
Life can be chaotic, and the average busy person doesn’t always have time to take care of household chores daily. However, moving into a retirement community, such as Riverview Retirement Community, might be the right decision to make if your household routine has changed for the worse. You might not be able to manage simple tasks like laundry and dishes, and these might start causing health and hygiene problems.
You Don’t Eat Well or Often
Our eating habits can change as we age. Our lower metabolic rate and reduced physical activity mean we don’t always need as many calories, and we even lose taste buds, which can take some of the enjoyment out of food.
Sometimes, gastrointestinal changes and dental problems make eating uncomfortable, so many older people might not eat as much as they used to for these reasons. However, if you’re not eating enough nutritious food and are experiencing significant weight gain or loss, it might be time for assisted living. In retirement villages, nurses are on-hand to ensure you receive at least three nutritious meals per day.
You’re Making Mistakes With Your Medication
Prescription medication usage amongst older adults is increasing, and it’s not uncommon for some senior citizens to be relying on upwards of two or more medication types for various ailments. While many people manage their medications just fine, accidents can happen.
If you’ve found yourself taking more or less than you need due to confusion, determine whether this is part of a more significant problem. By moving into an assisted living facility, nurses are available to ensure you receive the appropriate medication and dosages to keep you feeling at your best.
Personal Hygiene and Grooming Are a Problem
Most people take great pride in their appearance and in keeping themselves clean and tidy. However, that can change with age. Many seniors let personal hygiene fall by the wayside due to mobility challenges and a lack of energy. Depression, dementia, a fear of falling, and medication side effects can also impact your ability to complete basic tasks like combing, teeth brushing, and showering.
You Struggle With Mobility
It’s easy to take mobility for granted. When you’re feeling at your best, you might have no issues walking up flights of stairs and accessing every room in your house. However, that can change with age and illness.
When you start avoiding particular parts of your property or you’ve experienced falls due to the challenges you face with your mobility, living alone in your own home might no longer be a safe option for you.
Moving into assisted living can be a challenging decision to make, but it might be the best thing you can do for your health and future. If you can relate to any of these situations above, now might be the right time to review your retirement village options.
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