Your home should be your safe sanctuary from all the noise and pollution outdoors. It should also protect you from the outside elements. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that their health and safety are directly linked to their homes. Sometimes, some people focus on decorations and aesthetics too much that they don’t realize they’ve neglected to pay attention to existing health hazards.
Some health hazards you may find in your home include mold, pests, rodents, and clutter. Others are even deadly and not visible such as radon and carbon monoxide. Thus, as a homeowner, it’s your responsibility to keep your home healthy and safe for you and your family.
Here are five tips for your reference to help you get started in making your home healthier and safer.
- Use Non-Toxic Cleaning Products
While cleaning your home is an effective way to keep your living environment safe and healthy, the danger may sometimes be in the cleaning products you’re using. So, before you start cleaning, take time to check your cleaning supplies and see if they contain toxic chemicals that could put your health at risk. For instance, if you’re using an ammonia cleaner, you might not realize that it can constrict your lungs every time you inhale the scent of the cleaner. Furthermore, the chemicals in it can further pollute your indoor air, putting the other family members who have asthma in more danger.
So, as much as possible, use non-toxic cleaning products when cleaning your home. Go for cleaners that don’t have ammonia or chlorine. Better yet, switch to green cleaners that are certified ‘biodegradable,’ ‘phosphate-free,’ or ‘petroleum-free.’ If you can, you can also make your organic cleaner from baking soda, vinegar, lemons, and water.
- Do Away With Pesticides
Aside from toxic cleaning products, pesticides can also make your home unsafe, despite their intended use of keeping pests at bay. These chemical pesticides may be efficient in killing ants, mice, and lawn pests. However, they can also cause a range of health problems to humans who get overexposed to them due to frequent usage. These health problems may include asthma, disrupted brain development, respiratory issues, and many others. Simply put, using pesticides will silently but eventually put your family’s health and home safety at risk.
To ensure your home is safe and healthy for you and your kids, it’s time to do away with these pesticides and switch to safer, non-chemical pest repellents. Better yet, you can also go traditional. For example, if you’re worried about lawn pests, set aside time to pull the weeds and clean your garden. If you wish to keep mice and cockroaches at bay, then make it a habit to clean dishes immediately, dispose of food residue, and seal cracks and holes around your home. These may be simple and basic precautions, but they’re effective in keeping pests at bay.

- Get Rid Of House Dust
House dust may seem like a regular occurrence in everyone’s home, but they’re also hazardous and lead to bad indoor air quality. So, if you’ve noticed that the dust around your house is thickening, you need to take action immediately and not take the issue lightly. But instead of resorting to chemical cleaners, you can go old-fashioned by doing the most common yet effective ways of getting rid of dust.
Vacuum your house at least twice or thrice a week. Make sure you include every corner and move the furniture aside to ensure you reach every area that may be filled with dust. Then, wipe the flat surfaces, furniture, and other decorative pieces with a wet cloth. If your couch and throw pillow covers are washable, put them on the laundry at least twice a month. Dusting and wiping may seem like simple tasks, but they play a crucial role in keeping harmful allergens out of the house.
- Filter Your Tap Water
Another way to keep your home safe and healthy is by investing in a filtration system for your tap water. This may be a better option to provide safe and clean drinking water for your family than repeatedly buying bottled water. Filtering your tap water will help remove the contaminants that could be dangerous to your health when consumed. These pollutants and pathogens may include pesticides, chlorine, lead, and E. coli. Furthermore, filtered tap water will also save you much money from buying bottled water, which only adds to the plastic pollution of the environment.
- Regularly Disinfect High-touch Areas
Regardless of how much you clean your home, bacteria, dust, and other pollutants can still get into your home, especially if you and your family members are frequently outside for work or school. Thus, it’s also a good idea to regularly disinfect the high-touch areas in your home, including light switches, doorknobs, faucets, drawer handles, handrails, remote controls, and refrigerator doors. These frequently touched objects could spread germs, especially since multiple people touch these things every day. You can disinfect them by wiping them with a disinfectant spray.
Keeping your home safe and healthy isn’t always about using the most expensive commercial cleaners out there. Sometimes, it’s about switching those chemical cleaning products for non-chemical ones, cleaning your home the traditional way, and implementing healthy hygiene habits inside the house. So, remember the tips discussed above to keep your family safe and enjoy a healthy and safe home.
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