Brain fog is not so much a medical diagnosis, as it is a set of symptoms. These symptoms can include headaches, poor concentration, reduced memory, poor sleep, among other common symptoms. There are many things that can cause brain fog like overconsumption of sugar, depression, lack of sleep, or even a thyroid condition.
Thankfully there are ways to combat these symptoms with just a few lifestyle changes. When we eat, we are doing more than just giving our body the energy it needs to function; you’re also feeding your brain. But it takes more to feed your brain than just food alone.
That’s why we put together these 5 things to feed your brain to beat brain fog. So let’s get started.
1. Diet Choices
Your diet can have a lot to do with the symptoms that you are experiencing. From eating too much sugar to eating too much or too often. You could even be missing some necessary vitamins and minerals from your diet.
Many experts say that foods rich in quercetin, omega-3s, and probiotics can help get rid of brain fog. Foods like fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, and nuts are important to include in your diet for brain health.
There are also many supplements that can help you get your daily intake. Just take a look at the health benefits of lions mane mushroom extract.
2. Drink Your Water
Drinking enough water is also an important step to take to combat brain fog symptoms. When you skip the water, you can become dehydrated, which contributes to many brain fog symptoms. A glutathione IV in Seattle can help boost hydration while fueling your body with glutathione, a powerful natural antioxidant. Glutathione neutralizes free radicals that cause oxidative stress that can damage brain cells.
The amount of water you should be drinking will vary depending on your weight, whether you are active or sedentary, and if it’s cold or hot outside. To find your optimal water intake, first, find out your exact weight and then just do the math.
3. Excersize
Working out and getting your blood pumping does a lot of good for your whole body. It keeps your body fit, your heart healthy, and it helps keep your brain sharp. Working out 2 to 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes is what most professionals recommend.
4. Get Some Rest
Sleep deprivation has been listed as one of the biggest contributors to brain fog. It’s important to make sure that you’re getting at least 7 hours of restful sleep a night. But you may also need up to 9 hours to be fully rested, depending on your health.
5. Stress Management
Stress is another big contributor to mental health issues. You can set up a good stress relief system with just a few changes in your habits. You can use a variety of outlets like journaling, crafting, meditation, self-care routines, etc.
Basically, just be sure to set aside time for yourself to help reduce the amount of stress that you carry. Just doing this step can help reduce brain fog greatly.
Feed Your Brain With Us
We hope this article has given you some helpful tools to help feed your brain and beat the brain fog. We have many other great articles about your brain health and other health-related topics; be sure to check them out too. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to share it with your friends on social media.
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