5 Tips to Landing a New Job That Requires a Urine Test

Updated on February 1, 2019

Urine tests have become inevitable when applying for a new job or if you get hurt while at work. This is because employers want to hire people that are free from drugs. In fact, candidates that fail to pass the test rarely get hired. If you get hurt on the job and fail a drug test, you are susceptible to losing your job. Such employees have a reputation of coming to work late and some days they are nowhere to be seen.

On the other hand, knowing how hard it is to secure employment, you can’t afford to fail such a test. Besides that, the systems that are used for conducting the test are advanced enough to be able to detect manipulated results. Here is a list of tips that can help you pass a urine test and get your dream job.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is a natural detoxifying agent. If you have already been booked for the test, you should start drinking lots of water as possible. This is because the water will help in eliminating traces of drugs from your body. In fact, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. If you are always on the go, it’s recommended that you carry a bottle of clean water so that you can hydrate yourself regardless of where you are. When you start drinking more water, it’s obvious you will urinate more often, which will eventually contribute towards cleansing your system. You should also avoid giving the first urine as sample as it’s likely to have more traces of the drugs you have been using. To increase your chances of getting negative results, make sure you present your second or third urine as sample.

2. Use Synthetic Urine

Although the testing methods have gone a notch higher, you can still manipulate the results of the test. Instead of using common tricks like spiking your urine, it’s advisable you get Quick Fix Synthetic urine, which is basically a solution made in the lab that contains urea. Since the solution is designed to be synthetic, the testing tools will not be able to detect it. However, you should get a solution that you can easily sneak into the testing room without getting noticed. Moreover, you have to shop discreetly to increase your chances of success in the test.

3. Use Delay Tactics

After passing an interview, your potential employer will proceed to schedule for a urine test. Since most employers give candidates several days to prepare for such a test, you should also use delay tactics. If the test was to be done in a week’s time, you should request the employer to add you two extra weeks because you are occupied in other areas of your life. By doing this, you will be buying more time for eliminating the toxins in your body.

4. Track what you Eat or Drink

From the day that you are told about the forthcoming urine test, you should start tracking what goes into your stomach. This is because certain foods and over the counter medications are capable of causing your results to turn positive. In fact, you should have a list of everything that you might have consumed in the last two or three weeks. This will help the testing technicians understand why your results are the way they are.

5. Be ready to Contest the Results

If you are sure you have not been abusing drugs, you should not accept false positive results without putting up a fight. Fighting here should not be physical. For a start, you will need to hire a lawyer to defend you. In fact, having a lawyer by your side gives you an edge when arguing against the employer. This is because a lawyer can point out where your rights have been infringed by the employer by suggesting that the sample was contaminated during the testing process or that the testing tools used are outdated.

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