With age comes a great deal of medical issues, and one of them is back pain. More than half of the world’s population experience back pain during old age. Based on a report on “A Guide to Men’s Health Fifty and Forward”, back pain is not only limited to one gender but for both men and women.
Causes of Back Pain at Old Age
Although age is the main reason why many are experiencing back pain, there are also other causes of back pains. Some common reasons include a change in discs and joints due to a degenerative issue such as arthritis, and more. Whatever the cause behind your back pain is, it surely is painful to the point that it can hinder you from doing any activities. For most, back pain is usually triggered by doing some laborious activity, a simple sprain, accident, or extreme lifting. If you experience back pain after doing some of these, you might want to assess yourself and wait if the back pain will disappear on its own.
Reducing Back Pain at Old Age
If you’re of old age, you can lessen the pain and manage the symptoms by following these simple home remedies:
1. Do some physical activity
A spine specialist at Cleveland Clinic Back Specialist recommended that being active physically can help discs and joints to have their moisture back. Easy, uncomplicated physical activities such as walking your dog, making your beds in the morning, or any movement that would stop you from sitting down can be the best exercises for your back pain.
However, you have to be mindful of heavy activities that would cause more complications instead.
2. Limit bed rest
Though bed rest is recommended for severe back pain (if the patient can’t manage to sit or stand), doctors suggest that if you can tolerate the pain, you don’t need to stay in bed for more than three days. Moving can help manage your muscles not to become stiff. Control your bed rest in a few hours at a time so as not to intensify the pain you are having.
3. Apply a hot and cold compress
It is highly recommended for ice packs to be applied in the first 24 to 48 hours following an injury since it lessens swelling. Be careful in using hot packs after an injury, as they might increase inflammation.
Doctors suggest that hot packs can be applied after 48 hours to soothe and calm the muscles down. Hot packs can also aid in improving the blood flow in the affected area. Remember to protect your skin whenever you apply hot and cold compresses.
4. Maintain a good posture
Your back pain might be a result of doing some strenuous activity with a poor posture. With old age, make sure that in your daily activities, you have to be mindful of how you sit, stand, or even bend over. You should use recliners which are designed for proper posture to avoid back pain.
Poor posture can cause preventable strain on your back. Slouching can add up to your back pain as it can’t support your back from the weight of your body. When picking up heavy stuff, be extra careful not to harm your back.
5. Consult a therapist
If your back pain won’t resolve on its own, you might consider going to a physical therapist. Experts can provide options and choices that will work for you and your back pain. It would be easy to undergo a complementary therapy or an exercise plan to help you deal with your aching back.
A specialist will give you a wide variety of choices. It can be acupuncture to let go of your body’s suppressed energy or a core strengthening activity to support your lower back muscles.
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