With the current state of things in the world, stress levels are higher than ever. While uncertainty prevails, people are looking for ways to cope with the spread of Covid-19 and learning to adjust to life on lockdown. Adjusting to the “new normal” isn’t easy for anyone, especially if you’re having trouble making ends meet. But there are more ways than one to help ease the burdens of everyday life during this pandemic.
Take a look at five ways to have peace of mind in the “new normal.”
1. Stay Connected With Others
Staying connected with your family and friends during the lockdown is one way to help ease stress. Call or video chat them whenever you can and realize that we’re all going through the same thing. We’re all in this together and venting to your family and friends about what you’re going through can be helpful. Even if you don’t call or video chat them, you can always keep in touch by sending a quick text or messaging them on social media. Whatever you do, it’s important to find people you can talk to about what you’re feeling and how you’re dealing with everything.
2. Take Time for Self Care
While it’s helpful to stay connected to others, it’s also important that you take some time for self-care because it can reduce certain negative effects of stress, help you refocus and prevent burnout. It can also boost your emotional health, productivity and immune system.
Do some of the things you enjoy doing, whether that means taking a hot bubble bath, reading a good book, listening to your favorite songs, writing in a journal or indulging in your favorite snacks. Taking care of yourself mentally is more important now than ever, so don’t feel selfish for doing so.
3. Get Life Insurance
The “new normal” requires that extra precautions be taken to ensure everyone you love stays safe and protected. Getting life insurance is one of the best things you can do to make sure your loved ones are well taken care of in the event that something happens to you or your spouse. USAA provides great life insurance for their clientele to ensure they have adequate coverage for themselves and their families for as little as $12 a month. Protect what you love the most by getting a life insurance policy that works for you and your family.
4. Get Plenty of Exercise
Getting plenty of exercise is essential if you want to stay in good spirits. Exercise has both physical and mental benefits, which include:
- Increases energy levels
- Makes you happier
- Improves sleep quality
- Helps with relaxation
- Reduces your risk for disease
- Improves memory and brain health
Exercising for at least 30 minutes per day (at minimum) is recommended. Whether you decide on walking, jogging or swimming, or specific exercises like lunges, squats, pushups or sit-ups (or a combination of these), what’s important is that you make time for it as much as you can.
5. Eat Healthy
While occasionally indulging in your favorite snacks is completely okay, make sure you’re getting some healthy foods in your diet, too. Keeping healthy foods on hand can help you avoid too much junk food. Aim for a diet rich in:
- Vitamins (like A, B, C, D, E and K)
- Carbohydrates (such as in fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and whole grains)
- Protein (found in eggs, nuts, meat, poultry, fish, beans and dairy products)
- Minerals (like iron, calcium and potassium)
As usual, make sure to drink plenty of water to ensure you’re staying hydrated, especially as we head toward warmer weather. To get started, look up some healthy recipes you can make that don’t take long to prepare.
Adjusting to the “New Normal”
Adjusting to the “new normal” is challenging for everyone, but taking these tips into consideration can help you make the transition a little easier. From getting life insurance and exercising to eating healthy and staying connected to those you care about, there are a number of ways to ensure you have peace of mind in this new way of life.
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