So, you want to become healthier. Where should you start? With a busy schedule and many responsibilities, it can seem difficult to prioritize physical and mental wellbeing.
Studies show that only one in eight Americans have optimal metabolic health. Poor metabolic health can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other complications. Aside from physical health, about one in five Americans suffer from a mental health illness.
If you want to improve your health, there are many things you can start doing now. While there is no one-size-fits-all method for achieving good health, these stay healthy tips can help us all. Read on for the top ways that anyone and everyone can better themselves today.
1. Focus on Your Mental Health
When was the last time you evaluated your mental health? Even if you have your physical fitness in check, poor mental health can take a serious toll on your body and overall wellbeing.
To achieve optimal health, it’s important to check in on your mental wellbeing often. If you feel stressed out, fatigued, overwhelmed, or anxious, you may want to consider adjusting your lifestyle. While it’s common for people to focus on their work, social life, and loved ones, you must focus on your own health first.
One tip to improving your mental health is to set aside time every day for yourself. This time might include activities like taking a walk, writing in a journal, reading a book, or meditating. However, you choose to spend this designated self-care time, be sure that it leaves you feeling recharged.
If you’re suffering from severe mental health issues, be sure to reach out for help today. Consider calling your local mental health hotline, mental health professional, or trusted loved one for help.
2. Take Your Supplements
Even if you love to cook, it can be difficult to get all your nutrients in one day. By taking vitamins and other supplements, you can add nutrients to your diet to stay energized and productive throughout the day.
Consider taking a multivitamin that contains vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, Iron, Folate, and B-12. While you shouldn’t rely on vitamins to meet all your needs, these ingredients can work with your foods to keep you strong and healthy.
Before exercising, taking supplements can also boost your energy and help you get the most out of your workout. Wilson Supplements is a top brand for pre-workout supplements that build strength, burn fat, and more.
Before trying any new supplements or vitamins, you may want to consult a healthcare professional to ensure that it’s the right one for you.
3. Exercise on a Regular Basis
How often do you work out? Many experts recommend working out at least three to four times per week to stay healthy. While many people work out in the hopes to lose weight easily, regular exercise has many other health benefits aside from weight loss.
Exercising can reduce your stress, improve your focus, and help make you a happier person. When working out, your brain releases endorphins, also known as feel-good chemicals. These natural chemicals help regulate your mood and can make you feel more positive.
With a regular exercise routine, you may also strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and build stamina. This can help you perform everyday tasks with more enjoyment and prevent injuries.
If you don’t have access to workout machines and aren’t comfortable with going to the gym, have no fear. There are many simple exercises that you can try today.
You may consider taking a brisk walk or jog once a day around your neighborhood. You may also consider watching online yoga classes from the comfort of your living room. If you have difficulty with mobility, there are also many chair exercises that can burn calories and increase flexibility.
These are just some of the ways you can stay healthy easily by exercising on a regular basis. Before working out, be sure to eat enough nutrients, stay hydrated, and warm up your body.
4. Set a Sleep Schedule
Studies show that 35 percent of adults don’t get enough sleep, averaging less than seven hours of sleep per night. Over time, lack of sleep can weaken the immune system, boost stress and anxiety levels, and increase the risk for chronic conditions.
By setting a sleep schedule, you can ensure that you’re getting enough rest to function your best. Going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day can also aid in melatonin production and improve our sleep/wake cycle.
Consider setting a reminder on your phone or alarm clock to wind down and get ready for bed. You may want to turn off your television, computer, and close out your mobile apps, as the light from technology can make it difficult to fall asleep. You may also enjoy using this time to read, meditate, or write in a journal.
Winding down at the same time every day will make it much easier to fall asleep and stay asleep at night. Setting an alarm for the same time every morning can also help you feel more well-rested, happier, and ready to take on your responsibilities.
Remember, you can’t function your best if you don’t get enough rest. Having a solid sleep schedule is one of the top tips for how to stay healthy all year round.
5. Find a New, Enjoyable Hobby
While much of 2020 has likely been spent inside your own home, this provides the perfect opportunity to take up a new hobby. Learning a new activity can improve your mental wellbeing as well as your physical wellbeing.
Consider learning how to draw, play an instrument, crochet, or make jewelry. You may also enjoy learning how to speak a new language, play sudoku, or make pottery. By learning a new task, you’re stimulating the brain and focusing your energy on something productive.
This can keep the mind active and also improve memory, critical thinking skills, and boost your mood. No matter your age, location, or unique walk of life, finding a new, enjoyable hobby is one of the top ways to stay healthy easily.
Follow These Stay Healthy Tips
Everyone deserves to live a happy, healthy life. So, what are you waiting for? Whether you’re looking to improve physical health or mental health, these stay healthy tips can help improve your life today.
If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out our other helpful content on all things health and fitness.
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