5 Reasons Everybody Needs Primary Care 

Updated on December 16, 2019


Everyone needs to see a doctor at one time or another. Whether it’s a routine checkup or an emergency visit.

Receiving medical attention is part of staying healthy. According to HealthStatus, the average American visits the doctor four times a year.  

If you eat a balanced diet, exercise, and limit your alcohol intake, then you’re probably able to limit your doctor’s visits to checkups.

Whether you’re young or older, it’s essential to have a doctor for routine visits.

However, not all doctors are equal.

Read along as we discuss the importance of primary care physicians.

Five Reasons That Show The Importance of Primary Care

A primary care physician (PCP) is your main doctor who treats the majority of your health issues and conditions such as headaches, high blood pressure, sprained ankle, rashes, and sinus infection. 

If you develop an ailment requiring more in-depth knowledge, a visit to a specialist might happen.

But primary care physicians are good for more than an annual physical. 

Their dedication could end up saving and prolonging your life.

1. Consistent Testing and Screenings

Primary care doctors can ensure you receive your regular cancer screenings, diabetes testing, and a mammogram, according to Harvard Medical School.

Patients with a primary care physician refill their prescriptions regularly and attend annual preventive visits.

Going to your main doctor helps you keep your body and mind healthy.

2. Referrals

Depending on your health insurance, you might be required to visit your primary care physician to receive a referral.

But a PCP might refer you to a specialist such as a cardiologist, hematologist, or endocrinologist if you present specific symptoms.

Thus, speaking with your PCP could prevent your illness from progressing.

3. Less ER and Hospital Visits

A primary care physician’s attentiveness could reduce your visits to the hospital and the emergency room.

When you visit the PCP at the first sign of illness, this could save you from more severe illness, according to UnityPoint.org. 

An example would be a person with symptoms of the flu but decides to wait to seek medical attention. After a week the patient decides to go to the emergency room and gets admitted for pneumonia. If the patient had gone to see a doctor sooner, hospitalization could have been avoided.

4. Better Communication

A primary care doctor who treats you for an extended period can develop rapport and hold discussions. You’ll feel more comfortable expressing concerns or asking questions about treatment.

5. Provider Knows Your Medical History

As time passes your PCP learns your medical history. It’s an asset to have a trusted doctor that knows your illnesses, conditions, and surgical history.

If your primary care physician is aware of your family history, it might prevent you from succumbing to the same diseases of your mom and dad.

When it comes to cancer, knowing your family history and receiving genetic testing could save your life.

Schedule Your Appointment 

The importance of primary care should never be ignored. A dedicated and seasoned PCP is crucial to maintaining your health. So if it’s time for your next checkup, don’t delay and call your doctor now.

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