Men are so worried about the chances of getting prostate cancer. However, it is indeed alarming. According to the American Cancer Society, about 33,330 died because of this disease in the year 2020.
It is true that hearing this illness makes your knee go weak, but there’s hope to prevent this deadly disease. All you have to do is consult your doctor and read more information about the disease. Below are natural ways that you can do at home to help lower the risk of prostate cancer.
What Is Prostate Cancer?
The prostate forms semen, an organ found under the bladder. In the United States, prostate cancer is the second most prevalent cancer in men. In their lifetime, about one in nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. As they age, the tumor progressively increases and develops.
Statistics show that in the United States, men diagnosed with prostate cancer are aged 65 and older. After many years of research, there’s no definite prevention of prostate cancer, but there are shreds of evidence that some natural ways can lower the risk of this deadly disease.
Ways You Can Do to Prevent Prostate Cancer
Prostate Massage
The prostate is an organ in men that, when stimulated, offers pleasurable stimuli, much like the “g-spot” for women. This not only makes prostate massage a safer practice but an enjoyable one as well. Although some feel awkward when someone massages their prostate, you can eventually get a hang of it in the long run.
Now if you are looking for available prostate massagers, you can buy through online shops right now so you can do it independently. Read articles on how to use a prostate massager guide so you can effectively use it.
On the other hand, for anyone with a stable and working prostate, a prostate massage once every month is a healthy practice. For those with a swollen prostate, one could use a prostate massage once a week to help minimize swelling and improve urinary function and sexual performance.
A Healthy Diet Will Help
Whatever you do in life, keeping a healthy diet is a must. It’s the basic rule to a longer life. There is proof that choosing a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables and low in fat can lower prostate cancer risk.
This means that you should increase your fruit and vegetable intake every day. These foods are full of vitamins and nutrients that strengthen your body, including your organs. In addition to eating healthy is avoiding eating fats, which includes meats, nuts, oil, and dairy products.
Track Your Weight
Men that are obese may have a greater chance of prostate cancer with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. Focus on losing weight, whether you are overweight or obese. By decreasing the number of calories consumed per day and increasing the amount of exercise you accomplish, you can do this.
If you are already at the right weight according to your height, then make sure to maintain it by exercising or at least walk every day and eat what is enough.
Talk to Your Doctor
Many of us do not want to go on regular check-ups. Aside from it being expensive, it can also take too much of your time. However, it is essential to have your body checked at least once a month. There are diseases like prostate cancer that don’t develop symptoms in its early stage. Thus, you should not be too complacent about it.
If you already see signs, then it is a must to talk to your doctor right away. Common symptoms of prostate cancer are frequent urination, interrupted urine flow, and blood in the urine. The urge to urinate frequently at night, blood in the seminal fluid, erectile dysfunction, pain during urination, and discomfort or pain when sitting, is usually caused by an enlarged prostate.
These symptoms are usual, and sometimes we think that they are normal pains, but it’s not. So whatever reasons you have now, forget it and get an appointment with a doctor.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise has many health benefits, yet there are still people who can’t give time to exercise. It is undeniable that we might feel tired of doing it after a long day at work.However, a simple walk, taking the stairs instead of riding an elevator can make a change. It’s only little motivation you need to make it a habit.
Prostate cancer is a severe disease, and men should not take it for granted. It might develop to mostly older ages, but it may weaken you as early as now.
Taking care of our bodies while we are still young is not hard to do if you have a vision of living your life in the future with your loved ones and family. All the hard work you do now should include keeping your body healthy. Life is beautiful, so don’t waste it for temporary pleasures.
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