5 Factors That Can Trigger Tinnitus

Updated on July 7, 2021

Tinnitus refers to a noise perception when no external sound is present. It is commonly called “ringing in the ears” that can be perceived in one or both ears or somewhere else entirely. The cause can vary from ear infections and earwax to hearing loss, environmental factors, stress, and anxiety. 

There are several different approaches to dealing with it effectively. It would be best to find out what underlies your tinnitus to find a cure that works for you.

Whether you have tinnitus or know someone suffering from it, look for the following possible tinnitus causes and know how to deal with them. 

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

It is a type of tinnitus that is caused by exposure to loud noises. It can be from machinery, concerts, military action, and more. Noise-induced hearing loss can affect men and women of all ages, although those aged 65 and over are at greater risk. 

Some of the earliest symptoms of noise-induced hearing loss are difficulty hearing spoken words, either spoken clearly or spoken at an even volume. As time passes without treatment, the chances of developing this condition increases.

Meniere’s Syndrome 

This condition causes episodes of vertigo (spinning), ringing in the ears, and hearing loss. Meniere’s syndrome may occur just once, or it may be a persistent disease that rarely subsides for long periods. 

The symptoms of Meniere’s syndrome vary from person to person. It can include difficulty hearing (hearing loss), headaches, hearing problems in speech and language, and problems interpreting speech or music.  

Age-Related Hearing Loss

It is one of the most common tinnitus causes. As you get older, your ability to hear certain sounds decreases. The ear’s hair cells become less effective or die off completely. A study shows that older adults who grew up with hearing loss are 50% more likely to develop it as adults. 

Age-related hearing loss can damage your ability to hear speech, particularly in quieter environments. It is a common problem for older adults who never got the support they needed as children or grew up in environments where the noise wasn’t much of an issue.

Ear Canal Obstruction

It can happen when you have an ear infection or buildup of wax in the inner ear canal. The causes of ear canal obstruction are varied and can include infections, genetics, other medical conditions, and damage from the disease. Most people with this problem will seek out rest and recovery first – likely due to the embarrassment of the issue and its effects on daily life.

Earwax Buildup and Other Issues

Tinnitus can also be caused by earwax buildup, the sensation of movement of body fluids in the head, stress, or neurological disorders. It can also be a potential side effect of certain medications. Of all these causes, it is estimated that most cases of tinnitus are related to hearing loss.

Tips to Treat Tinnitus

These tips can help you calm down the effects of tinnituson your ears.  

  • Reduce Inflammation in the Ear Canal
  • Get a Hearing Aid
  • Meditate and Relax
  • Try Acupuncture, Herbal Remedies, and Supplements
  • Lose Weight

Final Words

Many people experience some form of tinnitus one time in their life. It can be annoying, painful, or distracting. But there are ways to prevent and treat tinnitus effectively.

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