5 Data Protection Mistakes to Avoid for Healthcare Companies

Updated on November 3, 2021


These days, it seems like everything is done online. Especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic—this also includes healthcare.

While the shift to digital healthcare technologies has many benefits of its own, it also poses a whole host of new risks. This is particularly true with protecting business data for healthcare companies and affiliated.

It’s imperative that you ensure your team is equipped with the proper software to avoid major data protection mistakes. Not only does it pose risks for your employees—but patients also stand at risk of their information being compromised.

Plus, the penalties for breaches resulting from a lack of data protection software are quite steep.

Keep reading below to learn how to avoid these major data protection mistakes within your own organization.

#1: Assuming It Won’t Happen to You

For both new and established companies, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing a data compromising incident won’t happen to your team. Even if your data is not viewed as highly valuable—there is a cybercriminal for just about any market.

These criminals actually rely on smaller businesses that may be neglecting data security. For this reason, it is imperative that you be proactive with data security.

#2: Missing the Signs of a Data Breach

It is important to understand data breaches can happen to any company operating within the healthcare industry. The next step in preparedness is to ensure you understand the signs of when a breach has occurred.

If you don’t feel confident in your ability to recognize these signs, it is not a bad idea to invest in a system that can identify these red flags for you.

#3: Lack of Education for Your Team

Similarly, it’s important for all employees within your team to stay up-to-date on compliance and security measures.

This might include hosting training sessions, distributing educational materials, and incorporating test runs. This will ensure all team members understand common cyber threats and the importance of data security.

#4: Falling Out of Compliance

Especially in the healthcare field, there are many regulations governing the protection of sensitive information. While it may seem tedious to meet all these requirements, they are put in place for good reason—to keep your team and your patients protected.

Many large-scale data breaches as of late have been shown to result from a lack of adherence to compliance measures. Don’t become another organization on the list of these data protection mistakes.

#5: Failing to Install Adequate Data Security

Luckily, measuring and managing healthcare data does not have to be a guessing game. Read more about these healthcare services and how your team could benefit from the service of managing healthcare data.

Combatting Data Protection Mistakes in Your Team

With this brief guide, you can begin to get your feet wet in understanding common data protection mistakes. Hopefully, it will inspire you to re-evaluate your organization’s data security practices and to shore up any potential weak points along the way.

For more health and business news, check out our other posts!

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