4 Reasons to Consider Getting LASIK Surgery

Updated on May 26, 2021

LASIK eye surgery is a procedure that uses lasers to reshape the clear outer layer of your eye, which ultimately improves your vision. It was originally approved by the FDA in 1999 and has grown to become one of the most popular elective eye surgeries in the country with doctors performing around 600,000 procedures per year. If you are considering getting LASIK eye surgery, it’s good to start off with the various benefits of the procedure that are worth considering. 

Lower Risks

Over time, LASIK eye surgery can lower your health risks since there will be no need to wear contact lenses. While it is rare, contact lenses can sometimes lead to severe eye infections, a risk that will be eliminated by this procedure. While contact lenses are quite low-risk, it depends on how you use them – and surveys from 2015 by the CDC found that over 99% of contact lens wearers actually practice habits that could increase their risk of eye infection

Save Money

A LASIK procedure from Motwani Lasik Institute could actually help you save money over time. While there may be a relatively high upfront cost of between $1000 and $3000 per eye, this can pay for itself over time, especially if you have the procedure when you are quite young. The savings that you will make on paying for new glasses and contact lenses on a regular basis plus the amount that you pay for supplies like contact lens solution and storage can quickly add up. 

Better Vision

In the majority of cases, LASIK will improve your vision, which in turn can improve your life in many different ways. There will be no more worries about whether or not you will be safe to drive if you don’t have your glasses with you, for example, and there’s no need to make plans for safely storing your contact lenses if you are traveling. And, while it’s doing what’s best for your eyes, there’ll be no worries about how your glasses might affect your appearance at an important event. Since LASIK causes permanent changes to the eye, these vision improvements are permanent compared to your vision beforehand. Natural changes in vision are expected as you age. 


Finally, one of the main reasons why people opt for LASIK surgery is the convenience. It can make almost every aspect of your life much easier, from traveling to playing sports, and even working. It can be very helpful for patients who have moderate astigmatism and don’t like wearing glasses, despite struggling to achieve clear and stable vision when wearing contact lenses. After getting this procedure, you may realize just how big of a part your vision used to play in your life – and that a lot of the small worries that added up over time are gone. 

Improved vision, more convenience, and cost savings over time are just some of the main reasons why 600,000 people in the country each year decide to opt for LASIK surgery. 

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