For those with debilitating chronic pain, finding a viable solution to the pain may feel impossible. Prescription medications are not ideal, especially long-term. Opiates are highly addictive, and their use comes with many adverse side effects. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are helpful, though they are not a permanent solution either, and NSAID drugs such as Ibuprofen can damage the liver long term.
As a result, patients may feel as if there is no effective pain management option.
In recent years, it seems that many people in search of a pain solution have turned to kratom, purchasing it online from places like Kratom offers people with chronic pain a potent, fast-acting, relatively safe option to help them reclaim a better quality of life.
So, What is Kratom?
Kratom is a derivative from an Asian evergreen tree whose leaves are used to make pills, capsules, extracts, and teas. In its many forms, kratom is used to treat various health problems, primarily pain. Kratom effectively reduces pain because it contains chemicals mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine that act as partial agonists to opioid receptors in the human brain. Simply put, kratom has similar effects to commercial opiates, such as morphine or OxyContin.
While there are many different kratom strains with various uses, below is a list of the top four kratom strains specifically to reduce body pain.
Strain 1: The Most Potent Red Hulu Strain Out There
Red Hulu is grown near the island of Borneo in the dense, tropical Hulu forest. Unlike the following strains, Hulu is challenging to obtain. Many people are not aware of it, whereas Maeng Da, Borneo, and Bali are popular.
The most potent Red Hulu Kratom is quite different from other kratom strains, and it offers a fantastic mix between the feelings of red, green, and yellow/white strains. This strain combines the mood and energy boost of green and white strains with the highly pain-relieving effects of reds.
As a result, Red Hulu is a fantastic choice for daytime, chronic pain relief. Aside from being painful, chronic pain is exhausting. That is why the combined energy and analgesia are so potent for those who experience pain daily.
Strain 2: Green or Red Maeng Da
Maeng da kratom is native to Thailand, and it is one of the most popular and potent.
Maeng da is available in three strains separated by color: red, green, and white vein. White Maeng da, and most white vein strains, are higher energy, whereas red and green Maeng da is known for their analgesic (or pain-relieving) qualities.
The analgesic effect of both Maeng da strains lasts several hours and is quite potent, making these two strains an excellent choice for people with chronic pain. Red Maeng da is a bit more opiate-like, creating a calming and soothing effect, whereas green Maeng da has less depressive effects and offers a mild energy boost.
Green and red Maeng da are best for daytime use because they provide an energy and mood boost, helping those with chronic pain tackle everyday tasks that are typically painful.
Strain 3: Red Bali for Pain
As the name suggests, this strain is from the South East Indonesian Island of Bali. Red Bali maintains strong pain relief properties with a more mild headspace, including very mild euphoria than other red-veined kratom strains. Red Bali is one of the mildest forms of red vein kratom in terms of sedation and euphoria, making it an excellent choice for beginners looking for intense pain relief.
Although it is mild, Red Bali is still recommended for nighttime usage due to its mild sedative effects. It is also a great choice for those that struggle to stay asleep due to pain.
Strain 4: Red Borneo
From the island of Borneo, this strain is also preferred for pain relief. As mentioned above, red kratom strains are the best for pain relief because their effects closely resemble traditional opiates.
Thus, Red Borneo helps relax both the mind and body, which is beneficial for migraine-related tension and musculoskeletal tension.
A Brief Word on Dosing:
Before taking kratom, double-check the dosages. Though side effects are mild for smaller doses, larger doses can cause nausea, dizziness, nystagmus (rapid eye movement), dry mouth, drowsiness, and decreased appetite.
A general rule of thumb:
- 1 gram: mild – You will feel the subtle mood and energy-boosting effects of kratom.
- 1-2 grams: mild to moderate – You can feel the mood-boosting and stimulating effects.
- 2-4 grams: moderate – You will feel more of the effects of kratom, including stimulation, sedation, and pain relief. This is where feelings of euphoria kick in.
- 3-6 grams: strong – The effects are highly euphoric and calming; your pain feels far away.
- 5-8 grams: very strong – This is a very high, expert dose. At this stage, the effects are very intense, sedative, and even hallucinogenic.
In Conclusion:
Kratom is an outstanding natural solution for those with unmanaged chronic pain. Though not without its side effects, kratom is still highly effective, safe, and relatively cheap compared to pricier treatment options for pain. The kratom strains recommended in this guide are fairly mild and suitable for beginner use, especially the Bali, Borneo, and Hulu. To be safe, you may consult your doctor before taking kratom.
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