3 Benefits of Percussive Therapy

Updated on July 25, 2020

Designing a fitness regimen can be both invigorating and challenging especially if you get down about how much pain you might feel in the aftermath of a great work-out session. While some people might love hitting the gym, they may not necessarily enjoy the pain that comes the following day from stretching and stressing under used muscles.

Thanks to the wonders of technology, there is a therapy method that can help with these challenges. Percussive massage therapy is a great development in the fitness and therapy sector that helps people address the physical soreness following a good workout.

Through the use of a percussion massage gun, clients can benefit from a machine that uses fast, soft blows over a short amount of time to shock muscle fibers. These continuous taps can help those with tension in their muscles relax and heal through a deep soft tissues massage.

Given that these soft tissues touch almost every part of your internal system, the benefits from this therapy are tremendous. So, what exactly are the benefits of this new development and how can they help make your fitness regimen much more enjoyable?

Breaks Down Adhesions and Internal Scarring

After an injury or surgery, the body typically develops what is called muscle adhesions which are fibrous tissues that form between soft tissues like muscles and organs. When these adhesions develop, they cause the surrounding soft tissues to stick together – like an adhesive. You might be wondering why that could be a problem.

Well, when muscles get glued together, the tissues are no longer able to move independently of one another and this limits your range of motion. But perhaps most importantly, these kinds of adhesions cause a  tremendous amount of pain.

While these kinds of adhesions can be challenging, with the help of percussive therapy there is now a way to address them. Percussion therapy helps dissipate adhesions and other internal scars. As a result, with percussive therapy people are able to improve you’re they’re of motion after surgeries, injuries and for the purposes of fitness – years of workouts.

Enhanced Flexibility

One of the other benefits of percussion therapy is that it can give people greater flexibility by gently stretching the muscles. When your muscles are more flexible you are much less likely to injure yourself during strenuous activities such as an intense workout.

Through the use of percussion therapy not only can you gain enhanced flexibility, but this kind of therapy can also help to reduce aches and pains in general. Muscles that are loose are also less tense. This benefit will lead to others as well such as improved posture and balance, a more positive outlook and increased strength.  

Helps Sore Muscles Heal Faster

A third benefit of percussive massage therapy is that it helps sore muscles heal faster, especially in the aftermath of a particularly strenuous workout. Through this therapeutic approach, blood circulation is improved and as a result, blood and oxygen can move much more efficiently through the vascular system.

The benefits of increased oxygen flow are that you will feel far fewer muscle cramps. Not only does that mean that you will feel much less paid, but that increased oxygen flow will aid in healing and recovery so you can get back to the gym quicker without experiencing further injury.

From our short and concise list, it is clear that there are many benefits to building in percussive therapy to your fitness routine. This therapy is said to be 30% more effective than regular massages and that much more relaxing as well.

Not only does it break down detrimental adhesions and scarring, but it increases your body’s ability to be flexible over time and it helps your muscles heal by driving an increase in blood and oxygen flow. Though it is a new therapy, there are certainly a number of reasons why percussive therapy should be added to your therapy regimen. 

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