Updated on January 25, 2021
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This year’s most crucial matter is global health and how to deal with the issues plaguing it. After all, it plays an essential role in economic development and stability. Rarely a moment passes without us hearing about the virus or the re-emergence of an infectious disease. We need to tell ourselves that health is a vital investment for securing our futures.

For example, countries spend millions of dollars protecting their people from outside attacks. Still, they fail to do so against a virus outbreak, far deadlier for their population. A pandemic can bring the country’s economic stability down to zero. It is the reason why healthcare should not only be the concern of a county’s health ministry alone.

According to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the upcoming decade will be our time to act and take action. Today, in this article, we will share a list of global health challenges that will impact the world in 2021. You can find this listed mentioned down below:


With the overall increase of medical issues such as diabetes, cancer, HIC, and tuberculosis, access to high-quality healthcare is a necessity for everyone. However, there is a difference of 18 years in life expectancy between the rich and the poor as it currently stands. Accessibility to healthcare is the fundamental right of human beings, whether from different backgrounds, race, or economic stature.

Countries should set aside one percent of their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) to provide everyone with medical facilities. Also, they should not only restrict it to one percent. The better the economic standing of the country, the higher the percentage should be. They should also offer free education to individuals willing to provide healthcare to such needy people. The online education system must prevail equally among all parts of the world. The more informed our generations would be, the better front-line soldiers countries will have. Popular and in-demand programs like DNP or MPH Online programs will benefit the purpose significantly across the globe. The end of the decade also witnessed a high enrollment rate of health majors in advanced degrees when offered flexible schedules. 


Around one-third of the world’s population does not have access to vaccines and quality medication. And it remains an issue that will impact the world in 2021. Such a lack of vaccines and medicine puts countless lives in danger as every day passes and people don’t receive them.

Increasing the availability of such medicines and vaccines is crucial in ensuring that human life is long and prosperous. Such a thing is of the utmost importance to people living in low-income countries and developing nations. For example, take the case of Covid-19. There might not be any vaccine, but the required medication to treat its symptoms does not reach these developing nations. And the same will happen in 2021 if we don’t take any action.


Climatic changes not only have an impact on the environment, but they also pose numerous risks to everyone living in this world. For example, there are over seven million deaths every year due to air pollution. Furthermore, catastrophic weather events and natural disasters caused by the changing climate increase the spread of deadly diseases, leading to health issues such as malnutrition.

If world leaders don’t assess this situation, millions more will die due to various other climatic change-based health issues. World leaders must gather and talk to each other. They must enforce policies that promote keeping our environment clean and negating pollution or at least reducing it.


Estimation states that infectious diseases will kill around four million people this year. That amount is around twenty-eight times more than the one recorded in 2019. Infectious diseases are common in areas where there is no hygiene. And it is something that continues to plague developing countries for the last few decades.

For the death toll to be less than the previously recorded number, these countries require sufficient funding. The funding they can then use to improve healthcare quality, expand the reach of immunization, and invest in infectious disease research.


As the decreased availability of food continues to affect millions of people worldwide, especially war-torn countries, most have to go for unhealthy or unsafe food options. Such a thing directly impacts and causes a third of all diseases around the world. It leads to food-based health issues such as obesity, blood pressure, cancer, and much more.

To combat such obesity and diet-related health issues, countries everywhere must enforce policies that promote healthy eating. Also, fresh farm-grown products should take precedence over canned food. Parents must also stop their children from eating fat-rich foods. Sure, a burger from McDonald’s might be your first choice for a quick meal, but do you want to be a victim of obesity or high blood pressure?


Proper sanitation and clean water are two critical elements required to keep a healthcare facility clean. Sadly, one out of four healthcare facilities doesn’t have adequate sanitation and clean water services. Such a lack of these two essential services increases infection risk in healthcare professionals and patients alike.

Healthcare facilities need to get these two services to ensure their work environment remains secure and infection-free for patients and professionals to tackle such a problem. Governments need to incorporate policies into their daily budget, allowing healthcare facilities to have water and sanitation as a priority.


All the health issues mentioned in this list need attention from the responsible sector and everyone involved in the local government and community. We have to face shared threats, and it is our responsibility to act together. It means we must advocate for hospitals’ funding and support developing countries that lack the availability of quality education and healthcare services. After all, there will be no short of achieving a healthier and safer world.

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