11 Surprising Facts You Need to Know About Instagram

Updated on July 30, 2020

Ever since this pandemic started, most of us used to visit different social media platforms out of boredom; and there’s no doubt that Instagram is one of the sites we keep on visiting. In fact, it’s one of the more popular social media platforms for many healthcare professionals. A lot of us are hooked up by this social network because of its aesthetic way of presenting things such as our images and videos, but I’m pretty sure you haven’t known a lot of stuff about Instagram, aside from how it should be manipulated.

Using a specific app is a disgrace if you’re not going to dive in even to its basic information. If you’re planning on collecting factual ideas about Instagram, I’m going to shower you a lot of Instagram facts starting from when and who started it up to the newest details we’ve collected. 

The Geniuses Behind Instagram

If you’re not aware who created Instagram, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger are the reason why it exists; Kevin is an American computer programmer while Mike is a Brazilian-American entrepreneur and software engineer. This app continued to boom and grow in January 2012; they then decided to release the app in an Android version the following year.

First Instagram Logo

Instagram’s very first logo was made in 2010, and trust me, it is quite different compared to what we’re seeing right now. Its original logo was a faded yellow polaroid camera with a rainbow stripe located at the center. In addition, the logo symbolized its original platform, which is taking and sharing images. 

Systrom Hired A Person To Revise The Original Instagram Logo

When the co-founder, Kevin Systrom realized that his logo’s approach is kind of subtle, he decided to seek help with a professional to enhance and create a better icon for Instagram; luckily, Kevin chose the photographer and designer, Cole Rise to regenerate the logo.

He then created the new Instagram logo with a more straightforward picture of a mobile camera through getting inspiration from 1950s Bell and Howel’s camera; its slight update still maintained its overall look. 

Instagram Launched Another Logo In 2016

When the new logo came out, a lot of users criticized the updated design; however, Instagram remained undisturbed amid the clamor for the following years. The logo’s appearance today still managed to keep some of the key features of the past logo. 

The latest Instagram Icon 

The latest Instagram icon has a minimalistic sunset-colored design from its original logo, a Polaroid camera. This logo has a smooth gradient color from light orange hues to twilight blue on the top part of the icon. Moreover, the image gives an optimistic view of a new day; this subtle gradient represents progress. 

The Average Time A User Spends Per Day On The App

A particular person can spend an hour per day on Instagram as of June 2018. It is recorded that Facebook users spent 58 minutes per day; thus, we can say that the time Android users spend on this app has the same duration when using other known social media networks. 

Instagram Video Feature Was Launched In 2013

Before, Instagram only allowed picture sharing; but in 2013, they added a video feature that enables people to upload videos on their Instagram account. The social network already gathered 5 million uploaded videos within the first 24 hours of its release. 

Instagram ranked The 2nd The Most-downloaded Free App In The Apple App Store In 2018

Instagram garnered the 2nd slot of the most downloaded free app in the year 2018; the site who got the 1st slot during that time was YouTube, but it only shows how this great app continues to hook new users given the fact that it was released 6 years ago. 

Instagram Was One Of The Most Popular Google Searches In The Year 2019

In 2019, half of the top listed searches were generic terms such as weather, videos, and news. The sites like Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, and Google were featured first before Instagram, but it is such a significant achievement for Instagram knowing its nature of not being used in a web interface. 

Instagram Stories

This feature was released in August 2016; if you’re not familiar with Instagram Stories, it allows its users to share images and photos within 24 hours only. Believe it or not, but it pushed people to upload more on this platform. In 2018, 500 million Instagram accounts used Instagram Stories every day, and the most-viewed IG stories were uploaded by businesses. 

Facebook Owns Instagram

For your information, Facebook is one of the most known sites we have today. And to drop some bomb, Facebook Inc. has become the official holder of Instagram after squandering $1 billion on buying the Android app after its release. 


Instagram has come a long way since the day it was launched, and no one could argue how these changes hooked a lot of people to use this platform every single day. While using this app, entertain yourself through reading these amazing Instagram facts!

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