Most women, at some point in their lives, will experience painful sexual intercourse, which is also known as dyspareunia. It is believed that inexperienced females are more likely to suffer pain during sex, whilst women who have just experienced childbirth may also suffer pain following intercourse. While females in the fifties are less likely to experience painful sex, they could suffer discomfort due to hormone problems.
The Discomfort
There are various reasons why some people might suffer with pain and discomfort during sex, as they may have a small vagina, suffer from unusual dryness caused by a hormonal imbalance or they could have vaginal atrophy due to menopause or ageing.
Women may also complain of different pains during intercourse, as some may endure discomfort in the vaginal opening area, while others may experience a deep pain within the vaginal walls or in the vulva. Dyspareunia can also affect the bladder, lower back, uterus or pelvic area, and many women often report a burning sensation or spotting.
Certain health conditions, such as adenomyosis and endometriosis, can also affect a woman’s susceptibility to pain during sexual intercourse. This article can give you an idea of what these health conditions are. The longer these conditions are left untreated, the more pain a woman can feel during intercourse.
The Affect
Dyspareunia can have a significant impact on a person’s relationship with their partner, as well as denting their sexual confidence and self-esteem. A couple may struggle with guilt, embarrassment or frustration, which can result in a lack of physical and emotional intimacy. It is therefore essential to find a way to alleviate painful sex once and for all.
In worse cases, feeling pain during sexual intercourse can become the reason why a woman’s partner will desert her. Intimacy is an important aspect in every relationship, and if a woman can’t provide nor experience this with her partner, she might decide to leave the relationship or her partner might decide to do it. Regardless, painful sex can create drastic effects on a person’s relationships.
The Solution
Fortunately, there can be numerous solutions for dyspareunia. If you experience pain during painful intercourse, you should book an appointment with your doctor to discuss the problem and identify a solution. A medical professional can properly assess your health condition and come up with tailored-fit treatments. Depending on the severity of your case, treatment might last for weeks, months, and even years. Dyspareunia, in its worst case, will require more time and money to treat.
You can also consider a cosmetic surgical procedure, which can relax your vaginal diameter to eliminate pain during sex. Dr. David Ghozland specializes in vaginal reconstructive services, including Los Angeles Labiaplasty or Vaginal Loosening, which can potentially decrease the pain caused by intercourse. However, before you can undergo this surgical procedure, you need to gain the recommendation of a medical professional first. Not everyone is qualified to undergo this kind of treatment. Aside from the expenses involved, your age and lifestyle should also be considered.
Pain during sex can sometimes be due to a small vaginal opening, and Vaginal Loosening can therefore enlarge the size of the opening with a precise laser, and will be performed under local anaesthesia.
Another reconstructive surgery that can alleviate painful sex is a Labiaplasty, which is a minimally invasive surgery that removes excess or uneven labia tissue from the labia minora (vaginal lips), which can cause discomfort during intercourse or exercise. The procedure can therefore improve a woman’s sex life whilst boosting their self-esteem. By opting for a surgery, you could potentially enjoy a more intimate relationship with your partner within a matter of weeks, in most cases, whilst boosting your sexual confidence.
If your doctor gave you the go signal to undergo a specific surgical procedure to treat dyspareunia, manage your expectations by asking relevant questions. Before your surgery, it’s important that you know what to expect, how much the procedure will cost, and how fast you can recover from the procedure.
Aside from the procedure, you should also know more about the doctor who will facilitate it. Spend some time to know more about the doctor’s training and experience in the industry. Aside from getting your money’s worth, knowing your doctor better will also give you peace of mind knowing that you are actually entrusting your body with someone who is credible.
In Conclusion
It is important to remember that most people, at some point in their lives, will suffer from a sex issue, which could be problems such as a lack of libido, erectile dysfunction, or lubrication problems. Many people often blame themselves when suffering from a problem in the bedroom, when there is a simple explanation.
There is a solution for dyspareunia, so speak to an experienced professional to identify a safe and effective option to experience a more enjoyable sex life.