Surrogacy for Intended Parents: Here Are the Benefits You Didn’t Know

Updated on January 16, 2020
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Home is where the heart is, and for most couples, the home includes a child.

Unfortunately, not all couples who intend to be parents have the blessing of having a child naturally due to either infertility or other reasons. For instance, a hindrance to pregnancy may be due to medical problems with the uterus or hysterectomy, resulting in the removal of the uterus, severe heart disease, or possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.

Nevertheless, they can still have a child that is biologically related to them. Yes, surrogacy is that life-changing opportunity for couples to create a family that includes a child where there might not have been one in the first place.

Surrogacy for intended parents

So, what is surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a family building process and may mean something different to all parties involved. Anyways, you should first know that you can choose to have a gestational surrogacy or traditional surrogacy. Then there is the surrogate – the woman who carries the child for the intended parents. There are specific qualifications for one to become a surrogate.

Traditional surrogacy – here, the surrogate mother is providing the egg and being artificially inseminated by the intended father’s sperms and carries the pregnancy to term. Therefore, the child is will be genetically related to both the surrogate mother and the intended father.

Gestational surrogacy – here, an egg is removed from the intended mother and fertilized with the sperm of the intended father. The embryo (fertilized egg), is then implanted in a surrogate mother’s uterus who carries the baby to term. Therefore, the child will be genetically related to both intended parents, but not the surrogate.

Surrogacy benefits for intended parents

In both forms of surrogacy, there is a legal agreement that involves the surrogate mother giving up the child to the intended parents. Also, the medical expenses and compensation (if any) are usually cleared by the intended parents. So, the first benefit is that the intended parents have custodial rights to the child.

Apart from realizing parenthood, there are several other benefits of surrogacy to intended parents. These include.

Surrogacy completes families – Most often, surrogacy is the last option for couples struggling with infertility or medical conditions that make pregnancy impossible. The joy of parenthood and a chance to complete the family for intended families is a lifetime benefit.

Genetic connections – any form of surrogacy be it gestational or traditional will results in one or both parents having a biological relationship with the child. For instance, Lesbian couples intending to be parents can have one woman donate her egg to be fertilized with donor sperm, then the other woman can carry the embryo to term.

Creates relationships – During the entire process, the infertile couple has a right to get involved from medical visits to home visits. In the end, many intended parents get to share the journey and know their surrogates’ mother at a deeper level during the process, the bond developed if nurtured can last for years to come.

Surrogacy is legally binding on all parties involved – The process to get a surrogacy is lengthy and requires a legally binding contract that outlines the intended parents’ rights. Also, before birth, a court order may be obtained to prove the legitimacy of the agreement for the intended parents to collect the child from the surrogate mother.

Surrogacy is safe – Surrogates have a proven record of accomplishment for carrying healthy pregnancies that were all free of complications and were full-term. Therefore, the process is often more likely to be successful compared to fertility treatment, which is an option before Surrogacy is considered.

Surrogacy provides peace of mind – With surrogacy, there is more control of the process by the intended parents. Also, the process is usually less hectic, ensuring there is a peace of mind throughout the pregnancy than with fertility treatments or adoption.

 Surrogacy is a better alternative to adoption – Adopting has more restrictions compared to surrogacy. There are restrictions on the adoption process, and not all intended parents may qualify to adopt a minor due to government restrictions. Nevertheless, such a couple can still pursue Surrogacy.

Wrap up

As stated earlier, surrogacy means different things to different people. It is still a controversial topic. Nevertheless, to a surrogate, it could be an opportunity to selfless give to another family. And to the intended parents, it could mean a chance to realize their dream of parenthood.

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