Preferred Anxiety Treatments and Therapies for 2019

Updated on June 18, 2020

Anxiety and chronic stress present physical symptoms, but at the end of the day, it is still a problem that originates internally. The body is not fighting a virus or bacteria, nor is it being impacted due to a disease. This means that there is no one set way to treat anxiety, and being open to alternative therapies for your patients can give them the control and space they need to uncover which treatment works for their particular mental health symptoms. 

Moreover, focussing on alternative therapies for anxiety first can provide patients with natural and behavioral treatments that benefit long after the therapy ends. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is proven to be more effective and longer-lasting than medication, whereas natural remedies like aromatherapy or CBD oil can provide a continuous benefit that does not build up antibodies in the system or encourages dependency. 

In cases where natural remedies are not enough, then a chemical imbalance is likely present. The point is understanding and being open to working with patients for both holistic treatments and medical treatments will ensure they find the right course of action to improve their anxiety disorder.

Top Medications Used for Anxiety 


Anti-depressants are also used regularly to treat anxiety, with the top options being: 

  1. Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) 
  2. Serotonin and Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
  3. Pregabalin 


Benzodiazepines don’t have many side effects, unlike the other options in this list, but it is very addictive. Better known by its brand name valium, these drugs can help treat anxiety but again are highly addictive and should only be taken with extreme precaution and only after exhausting other options. 

Top Alternative Therapies and Treatments 

Before you turn to heavy medication that either comes with a slew of side effects or are dangerously addictive; however, it is preferred to try alternative therapies and treatments for anxiety: 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works to change your thinking patterns and can be very effective and longer-lasting than medication. 

Exposure Therapy 

Occasionally a part of CBT, exposure therapy works by slowly getting you adjusted to situations that cause you anxiety. If you have anxiety following a car accident, for example, exposure therapy will work to slowly reacclimatize you to driving again. 

CBD Oil 

One of the many benefits of CBD oil is anxiety relief. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical found in the cannabis plant, but unlike its cousin THC, does not get you high. It is legal in many states and countries around the world, though in some states you will need to write a prescription for your patient. As CBD can also work to reduce pain and increase appetite, it is also ideal supplement for a variety of diseases and conditions, including cancer.

Relaxation Techniques 

There are a variety of relaxation techniques. Some require a physical specialist who will help teach you how to physically relax your body when you are stressed. Other non-specialist relaxation techniques include exercise and meditation. Yoga, for example, encourages you to focus, control your breathing, and relax. 

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