Popular Health Trends for 2020

Updated on January 7, 2020

Every year we see new trends in health and fitness take to the stage and spark a lot of interest in individuals looking to improve their lives and feel better day in and day out.

Some of these trends fade out quickly, while others stand the test of time and remain popular for decades to come.

Let’s explore what some of the upcoming 2020 health trends are shaping up to be, and what they promise to deliver:

Telehealth to the Rescue

2020 promises to usher in the age of video conference calls with healthcare professionals, as opposed to the traditional doctor’s office visits. This means more convenience for those of us who have packed schedules and can find it hard to book an appointment. In addition, it makes healthcare more accessible to those having mobility issues, those who suffer from agoraphobia and other mental health challenges, and those living in secluded rural areas. 

Home Workouts Replacing Gym Memberships

At-home fitness is definitely becoming more common, and it’s an alternative to paying for a monthly gym membership. With the rise of YouTube workout videos and systems like Peloton, you are now able to do a complete workout at home, without the need to commute, find a time to work in a workout into your schedule, and have to wait your turn for a specific machine. Not only is this more convenient, but it also allows those who have an aversion to gyms to enjoy all the benefits of a workout.

Plant-Based Meals

While vegetarianism and veganism have been popular for years, more meat-eaters are also turning to plant-based meals, at least once in a while. You can now get vegan sausage rolls, faux eggs, or even vegan fish meals. This means you can enjoy all the benefits of a plant-based diet without having to turn completely vegan. As more plant-based restaurants and food delivery services open their doors, it has never been easier to enjoy some good food wherever you are.

The Benefits of Sleep

We are finally reaching a point where sleep deprivation is no longer hailed as the ultimate productivity hack, but rather treated as the global health epidemic that it really is. To get all the benefits of sleep, like improved physical and mental performance, you can consider investing in a high-quality mattress that can assist you in sleeping better.

Personalization in Both Health and Fitness

The days off mass-recommendations are slowly coming to a close, and 2020 is expected to hail the arrival of personalized everything. Wearable tech gadgets are becoming increasingly popular. These devices can track your health and personal performance and the data can also be used by medical professionals and/or personal trainers to provide personalized services. Other things like health and fitness apps and programs tailored specifically to the individual are all expected to grow exponentially over the coming year. 

Mental Health in the Mainstream

Talking about mental health challenges has never been as encouraged as it is today. Once upon a time, openly speaking about anxiety was looked at as a weakness, while we are now slowly making the shift to a more inclusive society where mental health issues are no longer taboo to discuss. With so many celebrities across all walks of life openly speaking out about the hardships and challenges they have faced with their own mental health, it is becoming more acceptable for the average person to admit they also suffer from issues like anxiety. 

Final Thoughts

We may need to wait a few years to determine how some of these health trends have fared: but even until then, embracing the ones you feel would benefit your lifestyle the most should be a no-brainer.

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