Neuropathy Treatment Group Complaints: Is the Company Reputable?

Updated on December 7, 2018

Some customers have experienced issues while paying for products from the Neuropathy Treatment Group. Shipping was a problem for some of them as well. These complaints have brought this company into sharp focus and many people are asking whether this company is reputable.

Answering that is only possible by examining the company’s history, online reviews, and manufacturing process. Examining its customer support services and its products is also important.

Here is an overview of Neuropathy Treatment Group complaints. Is the company reputable?

  1. The History of Neuropathy Treatment Group
    The group started its operations in 2010. Wes Jones founded it and its principal objective was to help people who have neuropathic pain. It developed many products over the years, but its most successful one was Nerve Renew. Today, the company goes by the name, Life Renew. The longevity of this group is an indication that it is a reputable company. Most unscrupulous companies shut down after a few years because people complain too much about them. However, a firm can only last for nearly a decade if it has valuable products to offer its clients.
  2. Online Reviews on This Treatment Group
    Checking reviews on numerous websites is an excellent idea if you want to determine the credibility of an organization. In this case, you can start with the company’s website. Does it have uplifting testimonials? Is the website feedback page full of complaints from customers? Visit the Neuropathy Treatment Group website today. You will find over 100 inspiring testimonials on their website. That shows that their products are helpful to hundreds of individuals worldwide. Therefore, this group is credible because it is producing products that are useful to many people.
  3. The Group’s Manufacturing Process
    The Neuropathy Treatment Group pursues a rigorous quality assurance process. For example, quality control experts double-check every batch that it produces. It seals its bottles with the latest sealing technology and the expiry date is always accurate. Determining that this rigorous process exists is a challenge for many people because they cannot see it for themselves. However, you can trust the word of the FDA. It approves of this group’s manufacturing proceeds.
  4.  Customer Support Services
    Unscrupulous companies rarely have effective customer support services. That happens because they cannot handle the numerous complaints directed at their customer care agents. They also lack effective mechanisms to address these complaints. In contrast, Neuropathy Treatment Group has the best customer support service in this industry. You can reach them on phone or you can send them an email. You can also chat with them online. Only a reputable company would listen to its clients carefully and consistently.
  5. The Products That It Offers
    As previously mentioned, the most successful product produced by this group is Nerve Renew. The company gives you a special two-week trial on this product. It offers you a money back guarantee if the product does not work as well as you wanted it to work. These are the hallmarks of a reputable company. More specifically, these offers show you that the company has a high level of confidence in its products. It believes that they can help you and customer testimonials confirm that they are useful for easing neuropathic pain. Click on for additional information on this condition.
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