How to lower blood pressure without drugs: 20 tips

Updated on December 22, 2019

Do you have high blood pressure? Do you want to know how to lower blood pressure naturally and without drugs like beta-blockers? Then this article is for you!

Keep in mind that the topic of high blood pressure is quite complex and the subject of a number of contradictions.

Some doctors swear by drugs (antihypertensives, or hypotension) to lower blood pressure while other doctors find that drugs to lower blood pressure are just a costly aberration. And there are few medicines like Precardix which have no side effects according to scientific study. 

But don’t worry: this article will make the topic of hypertension treatment a little clearer. 

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure (or blood pressure) is the force with which the heart pumps blood to distribute it through the blood vessels, that is, the pressure of the fluid in the arterial system. Blood pressure is expressed by systolic pressure (maximum pressure) and diastolic pressure (minimum pressure), separated by a slash, for example, RR 120/80 mmHg.

Systolic pressure is the highest pressure when the heart contracts and propels blood into the body. Diastolic pressure is the minimum pressure when the heart relaxes. To summarize, we must represent the heart as a kind of pump.

What is too high blood pressure?

(Too) high blood pressure, also called hypertension, is too much pressure on the blood vessels. Blood vessels become harder and stiffer and lose elasticity. This leads to an increased risk of atherosclerosis. As a result, blood vessels can rupture more easily.

High blood pressure is associated with the following circumstances:

  • Cardiovascular illnesses
  • Organ or artery wall damage
  • Cerebral hemorrhages and stroke
  • Kidney problems
  • Chronic stress
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • death

Of course, we are talking about prolonged/chronic hypertension here, not temporary hypertension that we all have, in reaction to a stressful event or during sports, for example.

Always sit still for at least 5 minutes before you can take your blood pressure. Several measurements are made over a period of a few months (shorter for risk profiles) in order to obtain the highest possible accuracy.

Proven Tips to Lower Blood Pressure

Before you start following these lifestyle tips to lower blood pressure, make sure your high blood pressure isn’t caused by a medical condition that has nothing to do with your lifestyle.


Hypothyroidism, for example, is a physical condition that can cause higher than normal blood pressure.


Dozens of genes associated with hypertension have been discovered. In primates, however, high blood pressure almost does not exist and in recent decades, Western countries have witnessed a dramatic increase in high blood pressure.

Similarly, take type 2 diabetes: lifestyle would be more than 200 times more important than the gene that is most closely associated with the disease.

How to lower blood pressure: 20 dietary tips

  • Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners
  • Eat more Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Restore the sodium-potassium balance
  • Eat more foods rich in magnesium
  • Eat more foods rich in vitamin C
  • Eat more foods rich in nitrates
  • Drink pomegranate juice daily
  • Eat more fiber
  • Moderate your alcohol consumption
  • Eat dark chocolate
  • Drink more tea and herbal teas
  • Eat more garlic
  • Consume Spirulina
  • Avoid prolonged stress
  • Treat your depression
  • get into meditation
  • Move more / do more sport
  • Stop smoking
  • Lose Weight
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