How Can A Boxspring Mattress Help Your Health?

Updated on April 23, 2020

The mattress you use at home can significantly affect the quality and duration of your sleep. A mattress that doesn’t support your sleeping position or preferred level of firmness will make it hard for you to sleep soundly every night. Over time, losing sleep can lead to serious health problems such as depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, and weight gain.

Aside from using a mattress that supports your pressure points, sleeping position, and weight, a boxspring can also boost the quality of your slumber. A boxspring is a wooden structure constructed to support your mattress. It comes in the same size as that of your mattress, which is why you can usually buy the two as a pair.

A boxspring can improve your health through the following:

1. Makes It Easy To Slide Out Of Bed

Although common, the use of a bed frame isn’t suitable for everyone. The height between the bed and the floor will likely make it hard for people with joint pains to slide out of bed. Their attempts to get in and out of bed may lead to overexertion, which can cause severe body pains and worsen their health conditions. Children, too, will have lots of trouble reaching the top of the bed as well as hopping off of it.

You wouldn’t have to worry about the said problems if you use a boxspring as its height is just enough to lift your mattress from the ground. Since a boxspring is customized, its dimensions are similar to your mattress.

According to Bedroom Critic, “Unlike a bed frame, a boxspring only leaves a small gap between the floor and your mattress. This height will make it very easy for you and your children to slide out of your bed.” You can effortlessly roll to the floor and avoid suffering from body pains.

2. Prevents The Mattress From Sagging

As mentioned, the mattress you use regularly affects your health because it can influence the quality of your sleep. However, buying a high-quality mattress that fits your sleeping preferences doesn’t ensure that you can get uninterrupted sleep every single time you use it. The condition of your mattress can degrade over time, which means that some years after the purchase, it may not provide you the same quality of sleep.

Regardless of the type of mattress you own, expect that it can eventually sag. Any material used for the construction of your mattress will become softer after years of use. Once your mattress sags, its tension decreases, and its comfort materials deteriorate. This can result in an uneven surface that resembles peaks and valleys, making your mattress uncomfortable.

Sleeping on a sagging mattress can cause more pain and pressure, and has higher noise potential. A sagging mattress can also feel hotter even at night because its structure restricts the circulation of air inside its coil layers.

You can prevent your mattress from sagging when you use a boxspring. A boxspring uses slats with gaps less than three inches from each other. This structure can properly support all of the areas of your mattress and reduce its susceptibility to sagging, primarily because it doesn’t have any legs. Bed frames usually have four, and this number of legs isn’t enough to support large mattresses such as those of a king- and queen-size beds.

3. Functions As A Shock Absorber

Sleeping next to a family member can provide a lot of health benefits. Co-sleeping with your children, for example, can improve their attention span and boost their confidence. It’ll also be easy for you to check on the safety of your children if they are sleeping on the same bed as you.

However, sleeping with another person on the same bed isn’t easy. This is especially true if one of you loves to twist and turn every night. If your child moves too often when sleeping, you’ll be disturbed by these movements and cause you to lose sleep.

A boxspring functions as a shock absorber. Its wooden structure can effectively absorb any movement made on the mattress. This means that instead of causing vibrations in all of the areas of the mattress whenever someone moves, the boxspring will absorb that movement and give the mattress time to recover from the movement made. With this benefit, you need not worry about waking up in the middle of the night just because your child suddenly moved. Both of you can get uninterrupted sleep, which translates to better overall health.

Consider Other Factors

There are several boxsprings available today. When buying one, don’t forget to measure your mattress, plan for your desired bed height, and select materials that go in sync with your lifestyle. By paying attention to all of these factors, you can end up buying a boxspring mattress that suits your sleeping preferences and enhances your health in the long run.

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