Getting Rid of Wrinkles

Updated on January 14, 2020


It is true that with age comes wisdom and experience. Grey hair means you have gone through the roller coaster of life. Yet, with age also comes wrinkles, and that story, you may want to tell another day and at another time. There is not much you can do to stop the hands of time from increasing your age, but you can make the aging process graceful. You can manage the way your wrinkles show up by applying a few remedies to reduce or eradicate them. You may also wish to remove that excess hair on your body and feel confident about your new look. Tucson laser hair removal provides the services to give you that look and much more. You can also get access to other services that include; skin resurfacing, tattoo removal, Botox, and fillers.

Use Sunscreen

The use of sunscreen to protect your skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun help to prevent skin cancer. It also helps to prevent aging, mainly if applied daily. The sunscreen helps to moisturize the skin and revitalize its youthfulness, thus delaying wrinkle formation.

Quit Smoking

Research has proven that smoking ages your skin prematurely. A comparison of twins with one addicted to smoking and the other smoking free showed that the face of the two twins had striking differences. The smoking twin had an older looking face, showing traces of aging faster.

Use Beta Carotene

The element beta carotene, coupled with vitamin A can block the ultraviolet rays from the sun. The UV light causes faster aging, and blocking it reduces the rate of wrinkle formation. The element is found in certain anti-wrinkle creams that you can buy and apply. You could also administer beta carotene as a supplement.

Reduce Sugar Intake

Doctors have cautioned sugar intake as a cause for many ailments. Sugar intake causes a process known as glycation to occur. Collagen is the element in the body that controls elasticity and revitalizes the skin. Lack of collagen thus causes aging and wrinkles to show sooner.

Apply Coconut Oil

The use of coconut oil on your skin helps to fill in the dry areas and remoisturizes your skin. It also helps to retain skin smoothness by keeping the moisture of the skin intact. It also helps to treat dry skin and makes it appear fuller.

Avoid Sources of UV Light

Ultraviolet rays from the sun serve as the number one cause of wrinkles. Therefore, adopting a lifestyle that reduces exposure to UV light helps to reduce wrinkle formation. You can avoid UV light from the sun through the use of sunscreen and wearing protective clothing to shield your body and face from direct sunlight. Avoid using tanning machines that expose you to UV light.

Adopt Proper Sleeping Position

Wrinkles form due to compression of your skin in the same area every day you sleep. When you press your face against a pillow, on the same spot daily, it becomes weaker. The distorted part of the face may show wrinkles faster than the unexposed portion.

Wash Your Face

Gently wipe your face with wet wipes to remove any makeup before rinsing it with cold water. The make up you apply on your face has chemicals that get absorbed during the night. The chemicals affect the health of your skin and cause aging. Washing off the makeup allows your skin to remain healthy for a more extended period of time.

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