Genesis Medical Associates Physicians Complete Another Medical Mission to Honduras

Updated on August 28, 2023
Dr. Robert Potter
Dr. Robert Potter

Dr. Robert Potter has completed his 13th successful Honduras Hope Mission.  One of the founders of Genesis Medical Associates, Inc. the largest still independent primary care physicians group serving the Greater North Hills, he was joined by wife Cindy, a pediatric physical therapist, fellow Genesis physician Dr. Dan Grob, Dr. Grob’s daughter Paige and 20 other volunteers in their February visit.

Sponsored through the auspices of several churches in the North Hills, they annually visit the people of La Villa de San Francisco.

“All of our participants pay all of their expenses including air fare, room and board,” said Dr. Potter.  “Any donation to our 501c3 goes directly to the care of needy Hondurans.”

“It’s a rural, agricultural village with few paved roads, little electricity and limited access to water,” added Dr. Potter, the lead physician on the medical team.  “We stay a week and each volunteer carries 100 pounds of supplies for villagers.  We provide over-the-counter medicines, clothing, canes, baby clothes, antifungal creams, steroid shots, prescriptions for diabetes and high blood pressure medication and water filters.”

“The water filters are especially important,” he added.  Since we’ve been providing them, illness in that one community has dropped by 90 percent, according to a local government source.  We also provided mosquito nets, Bibles, children’s bible books, tooth brushes, tooth paste, floss, canes and crutches.”

“It’s a true joy to take care of patients unfettered by the constraints of insurance companies and hospital networks,” said Dr. Grob.  “It gives you a true picture of the basic needs that Third World country citizens have to deal without indoor plumbing, running water and access to medical care.”

“There were between 600 and 800 people waiting for us when we arrived at a remote village,” said Dr. Potter.  “During our seven day stay, our team provided medical, dental and vision care to 2,380 people. “

“One of our goals,” said Dr. Potter, “besides providing medical treatment, is to raise $100,000 to build a medical clinic for the village.  The entire effort is an

Exceptionally rewarding.   You go to medical school to help people and that is what we are doing.”

The mission partners include MAP International, Global Links, the Brother’s Brother Foundation, and the Ingomar Living Waters Foundation.

“We’re always looking for more volunteers to join us,” said Dr. Potter.  “Those interested should contact or contact us at Honduras Hope Mission, P.O. Box 463, Mars, PA 16046.

“I would encourage others to take a teenage child with them on an experience like this,” added Dr. Grob whose teenage daughter – Paige, a sophomore at Hampton High School – also participated in the mission.

Dr. Potter heads the Genesis Northern Area Family Medicine Practice in McCandless Township.  Just last year, he was honored by the Allegheny County Medical Society with the prestigious Nathaniel Bedford Primary Care Award as a primary care physician for his exemplary, compassionate and dedicated care of his patients.

A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, he has taught medical students at several Universities and has been named best teacher at both the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and St. Francis University.  He also serves as a medical consultant to the Pittsburgh Pirates and serves as a school physician for the North Allegheny and North Hills School Districts.  A member of the Allegheny County Medical Society since 1983, Dr. Potter is board certified by the American Medical Directors for Long Term Care and Academy of Family Physicians for Family Medicine.   Additionally, he serves as Medical Director for Allegheny County’s Kane Regional Center in Ross Township and Allegheny Health Network Hospice.

Dr. Grob is a partner in Genesis’ Grob, Scheri Woodburn & Griffin with offices in Ross Township and Wexford.  A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, he completed his residency at St. Margaret’s Hospital in Aspinwall.  Certified in Family Medicine and Certified Medical Director at Concordia’s Rebecca Residence, and a member of the Genesis team for the past 20 years, he resides with his family in Hampton Township.

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