Does Kratom Show Up on a Drug Test?

Updated on October 17, 2021

If you’re still new to the world of Kratom, you probably have a lot of questions. This confusion is understandable and sensible; when it comes to using Kratom, you want to ensure you know all the essential details about safe and effective use.

One question which may have entered your mind is if Kratom shows up on a drug test. Considering the routine, imperative, and sometimes unpredictable nature of drug tests, this is a crucial thing to know ahead of time. 

When Do Drug Tests Occur?

The most common time for a drug test to happen is when you’re starting a new job. Employers want to know their staff’s physical state, and whether they’re exposing themselves to any substances that may impair their competency and ability to work. 

There are different reasons an employer uses drug tests. These include deterring employees from partaking in illegal or unsafe substances, discouraging employees from performing specific tasks while under the influence, and preventing expensive accidents or unpleasant events from occurring in the workplace.

Not every job requires a pre-employment drug test, but a small percentage of them do. The job sector most likely to utilize a drug test is the healthcare system. This makes sense when you consider the access these jobs provide to drugs and other heavy-duty medications. 

Governmental jobs also top the list for pre-employment drug testing. Other jobs that, statistically speaking, rank high on the list are manufacturing, automotive and private security. However, even if you don’t work in these sectors, you still must be prepared to take a drug test since drug tests can occur in any job sector.

Typically, drug tests screen an individual for substances such as, amphetamines, methamphetamines, alcohol, marijuana, opiates, and cocaine. However, this is not a definitive, immutable list.

Different Kinds of Drug Tests

A urine drug test is a reliable drug test and non-invasive. This is the most commonly used drug screening for most occupations. However, it is also possible to use blood or hair samples for drug tests. For example, a hair test is the most effective way to prove ongoing drug use, while a blood test is the best way to determine the concentration of a particular drug in an individual’s system.

A drug test can screen for different substances, known as a panel. A typical panel can range from 5 to 15 different substances simultaneously. The more panels, the greater the drug test’s extent. The 5-panel drug test is the most commonly used; this covers the major substances employers are concerned with and is their cheapest option. Only on special occasions—say if your employer has reason to suspect drug use or you work in an exclusive, high ranking position—would you be asked to take the more extensive panel tests.

A 5-panel drug test typically tests for: Amphetamines, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, and opiates. A 10-panel drug test typically tests for (the five items above, plus): Benzodiazepines, propoxyphene, methadone, barbiturates, and methaqualone.

An extensive 15-panel drug test typically tests for (the ten items above, plus): MDMA, oxycodone, tramadol, buprenorphine, meperidine.

Possible Results

While a drug test is used to reveal information, it is not 100% foolproof. It is possible to get an inaccurate result—for a test to come back as positive—which doesn’t reflect reality. This is rare, but it can happen. There are three possible outcomes for a drug test.

The first is called a true positive. This is when the result is correct because the employee did consume the substance.

A false positive occurs when the result is positive, despite the fact the individual took no substances.

In some states, there is a true positive, but it is allowed with medical documentation. Presenting medical documentation that shows why a particular substance is prescribed can waive the test result.

What to Expect

While the idea of a drug test may feel intimidating, the reality is quite different. A drug test is performed in a professional environment, by ordinary, friendly people, and is easy to execute. 

You may need to present a photo ID to ensure you are who you say you are, so there is no risk of identity fraud. You may also be asked to leave behind individual belongings, empty your pockets, and remove particular superfluous clothing (such as a scarf or hat) and leave them in a secure location. 

So how does Kratom fit into this preexisting drug testing framework? Is it detectable on standard drug tests? There are a few factors to consider. 

Kratom’s Chemical Composition

To determine whether a drug test can detect Kratom, it’s essential to understand its chemical components. Kratom is composed of alkaloids. An alkaloid is a naturally-occurring organic compound that contains nitrogen. Not all alkaloids do the same thing; they provide various pharmacological potentials and benefit humans in several ways, depending on which alkaloids are present within the plant. 

The most prominent alkaloids in Kratom are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Mitragynine accounts for 66% of Kratom’s alkaloid content, while 7-hydroxymitragynine makes up about 2%. These two alkaloids are responsible for Kratom’s primary benefits.

The alkaloid content can vary significantly and depends on the month, the location, harvesting times, and even the weather. This could be a concerning idea to those taking Kratom—could this fluctuating alkaloid content influence a drug test if the alkaloid levels are significantly high? 

At Kats Botanicals, all our Kratom is third-party lab tested so you know the purity and potency of what you purchase. There can be no unaccounted uncontrollable surge of alkaloid content in our Kratom, so you know exactly what you’re taking.

Kratom in the Body

It is possible to detect Kratom in the body, test for Kratom through bodily fluids, and discover whether an individual is currently taking Kratom. However, you need a specific Kratom test, a test created to detect the particular alkaloids within Kratom, and these are incredibly uncommon. 

Although Kratom contains alkaloids that bind with opioid receptors in the brain, they are not the same as opioids. These alkaloids are not structurally similar to opioids and, therefore, not detectable on standard drug tests for opioids.

Because a drug test costs an employer money, most choose a standard 5-panel test, and these do not include rare substances like Kratom or its constituents.

Understanding Legality

Although most of the United States does not consider Kratom a federally illegal substance, there are places where special considerations must be made. The following states have banned Kratom: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, and Wisconsin.

In addition to this, some states have imposed severe restrictions on how an individual can use Kratom. In California, Kratom is legal but not in San Diego County, while in Florida, Kratom is legal but not in Sarasota County. In Illinois, Kratom is legal but has an age restriction, and in New York, Kratom is legal but has an age restriction.

Where you live may impact not only how you can use Kratom but also the considerations you need to make if you’re required to take a drug test. It’s essential to know the possible restrictions, regulations, or other legal implications regarding Kratom and where you live. You must also ensure you stay updated on these since they can change.

If you are travelling with Kratom outside the United States, you need to check your destination country’s legal status.

Extra Precautions

Once you have taken all of this into account, you understand Kratom’s legal status, and how drug tests work, it’s understandable that you may still want to be especially cautious if you know you have an upcoming drug test.

Although there is no exact time, many reputable sources have concluded that all Kratom traces are usually eliminated from the body within a week. This timeframe can vary and depends on the type of drug test used; urine tests can detect substances for a more extended period than the other drug tests and detect a substance up to about nine days after the last use.

On the other hand, blood tests cover a short period and can only detect a substance approximately 2-3 days after the previous use.

It can also bring peace of mind to only purchase Kratom through a reputable source. Given Kratom’s variable nature, it’s essential to know your provider follows strict standards and is producing high-quality Kratom. 

You’ll want to be sure the product you’re taking adheres to strict guidelines, and its constituents are tested, standardized, and quantifiable. Kats Botanicals is one of the premium, trusted purveyors of pure Kratom in the US, and takes pride in producing the best product possible. 

It’s also useful to consider how alcohol consumption may impact Kratom use. It’s well-known that alcohol can negatively interact with other substances. Therefore, it’s crucial to be conscious of what pharmaceuticals, herbs, or other potent substances you’re taking alongside alcohol, especially when you are unsure of possible interactions. 

The combination of Kratom and alcohol can cause adverse effects in certain people, so it’s best to avoid simultaneous alcohol use if you are taking Kratom.

To Conclude

While Kratom should not show up on a standard drug test, stop using Kratom at least one week in advance if you want to be extra careful. If you work in a state or county where Kratom is banned, take extra precautions to avoid Kratom if you are screened regularly for drugs.

For more information on pure, high-quality Kratom, check out Kats Botanicals’ extensive selection of Kratom strains, varieties, and extracts.

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