Choosing the Right Education Program for Health Care Industry Leadership Roles

Updated on January 16, 2020

Healthcare leadership is a role that demands specific competencies. But a career in this field can be quite rewarding too. If you are already working as a healthcare professional, one opportunity you can pursue is a leadership role. Some examples include becoming a health service manager, a patient care manager, or a healthcare executive. The demand for these jobs is expected to rise by 20% until 2026. As such, recruiters are always on the lookout for top talent to fill positions in this field.

If you are considering advancing your career as a healthcare professional and pursuing a leadership role, there are skills you need to acquire which you can do through continuing education and training. There are many certificate programs and courses available, such as those offered on this website. But how do you choose which is right for you? The following five skills and competencies should be at the core of the course or training program you choose.

Effective employee leadership

One of the most critical skills required in any leadership position is the ability to manage and lead your employees effectively. The good thing is, this skill can be learned and developed through proper training and awareness. While not every person is born a natural leader, you can always begin by assessing your weaknesses and choose a program that will address your difficulties and turn them into strengths.

Effective healthcare leaders not only help maintain a healthy and positive workplace culture but also inspire other employees to aspire to higher goals in their respective careers.


Even if you are working for a well-established organization, ingenuity is essential to ensure that assets are always maximized. All healthcare leaders prefer bigger budgets and highly skilled employees. But there are times when these expectations are not met. It is up to you, the leader, to become creative and inspire your employees to make the most out of the available resources to deliver the best patient care possible.

Maintaining composure during challenging times

The healthcare industry is fast-paced and always changing. Every decision made by a healthcare professional directly affects the patient and the industry in general. A good leader can navigate every stressful situation with composure and wisdom. You need to be able to make quick decisions that take into account the greater good. Apart from holding your own through difficult times, your role as a leader also extends to helping your employees when they are having a hard time or struggling with balancing their work and personal lives.

Active participation and managing through change

A leader should not isolate themselves. Good leaders always value participation and employ a variety of strategies to get the best results. Moreover, an excellent leader should welcome change and be open to innovation, technology, and other aspects that continue to change the industry for the better.


Modern leadership roles in healthcare are challenging but rewarding. If you can acquire the right skill set through education, you will increase your chances of successfully getting promoted and succeeding in your chosen profession.  


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