Better Sleep Quality: The Key to Managing Fibromyalgia and PTSD?
By Seth Lederman, M.D. The symptoms of fibromyalgia (FM) can include chronic diffuse musculoskeletal pain, increased pain sensitivity at multiple ...
Patient Care Research
Key Advance in Drug Delivery Offers Parkinson’s Patients New Treatment Option
By Anthony Giovinazzo The highest-profile symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are well known. But for many PD patients, there is ...
First-Of-Its-Kind UPMC/Pitt Study Shows Kids Get Fewer Concussions in Practices than in Games
A landmark, NFL Charities-funded study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC found that 8- to 12-year-old youth-football players ...
Pitt/UPMC Team Describes Technology that Lets Spinal Cord-Injured Man Control Robot Arm with Thoughts
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and UPMC describe in PLoS ONE how an electrode array sitting on top of the brain enabled ...
Evaluating Evolutionary Rates Could Provide Insight into Functions of Uncharacterized Genes
Genes that have roles in the same biological pathways change their rate of evolution in parallel, a finding that could ...
Study Suggests New Measure of “Good” Cholesterol Needed to Prevent Heart Disease
Pitt Study Finds U.S. Kids Heavily Exposed To Alcohol Brands in Music
Alcohol References in Songs Are Associated With Sex, Drugs, Violence, Researchers Say Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have ...