A Small Price to Pay: Dry Eyes and Face Masks

Updated on September 29, 2020

Face masks have been, at the very least, a very contentious issue. From the fake reports that they don’t offer protection at all to the bizarre claim that they intrude on personal freedom, it’s never been a one-way street for these things that used to be more common in surgery rooms. But, nobody can really ever deny now: wearing face masks is everyone’s first line of defense against any kind of infection. It just so happens that there’s a deadly virus that emphasizes that wearing it is not optional anymore.

What makes face masks so important? You touch your face 23 times an hour with your hands-your hands that you use to do everything. Outside of your house, you use your hands to reach for items in the grocery store, handle the gas pump to refuel, and many more. If you reached for the same item as someone with underlying symptoms, it could spell trouble for you. That’s where the face mask protects you, and probably the 100 spritzes of alcohol you’re used to doing now after touching anything.

The Small Price We Pay

If there’s anything all people find annoying with face masks, it’s that it gets hot. Instead of exhaling out, you’re suddenly exhaling all over your face. After 15 minutes of wearing the mask, you’ll be sweating and irritable. More than that, however, you’re also going to develop a few things (if you haven’t already): dry eyes and “mask-ne.”

Dry eyes are just a bit dangerous as these impede your vision. Breathing hot air all over your face, usually directly onto your eyes, will cause irritation. But, just so you don’t have to pull your mask down in front of everyone, and in the middle of the crowd, you could take natural supplements for dry eyes. This is especially important for people with preexisting eye conditions, as it’s a way of preventing a problem rather than solving it on the spot.

“Mask-ne” is simple enough to understand. Putting fabric that your face isn’t used to having will give people that kind of reaction. It’s nothing life-threatening, but it’s… annoying? Now you have to adapt special face care or find a face mask that doesn’t irritate your skin. But you have to make a decision between a surgical mask, the most common type and the second-best type of face mask for protection, and some fabric-based face masks that aren’t as effective. It’s reusable, but not good for protection.

Do We Keep Wearing Face Masks?

The short and long answer is yes, you must wear a face mask until it’s the pandemic is over. There’s no question about it at all, and whatever the debate is, it’s just safer to have a layer of separation between your hands and face. A lot of people denied it, but the tragic loss of life can only mean that utmost safety is the baseline now.

There’s no escaping coronavirus. It has traveled so far in the world, and it will travel even further still. It’ll be nearer to you than you expect, so it’s best to keep safe. Experiencing a few side effects of face masks is definitely a con, but the major pro of being safe from a deadly disease outweighs all else.

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