5 Most Common ENT Problems Not to Worry About

Updated on January 18, 2020

The term ENT is used to describe problems with the ears, nose and throat. These areas of the body and can affect each other depending on the problem at hand. Take for instance a runny nose. This can lead to a sore throat and ear infection if the runny nose drains back into the throat. Learning more about common ENT problems, you can decide if your sickness warrants medical attention or if the issue will go away on its own. Below are a few of the most common problems to give you insight on ENT and what you can do for treatment. 

Runny Nose

Let’s start with a runny nose. You can have a runny nose for several reasons, such as a cold or allergies. The color of your mucus will help you to determine if you have a virus or a cold. Yellow or green mucus means you have a bacterial infection. White or cloudy means a cold. By learning more about the type of mucus you are experiencing, then you know how to treat your symptoms. 

Itchy Ears

It is very common for ears to itch, especially when you are affected by allergies. Your ears may be draining which can cause them to feel funny and itchy. Allergy medication can help ease the symptoms so you are not annoyed by itchy ears. 

Stopped Up Nose

Along with a runny nose, it is also common for the nose to stop up. When you are unable to drain the mucus from your nose, it can be very uncomfortable. A decongestant can easily be taken via over the counter medications to try and clear up the blockage. You can also use a nasal spray to help. 

Itchy Throat

Allergies are a common cause of an itchy throat as well as other illnesses. If your throat is itchy, try taking an allergy medication for relief. If this does not work, you may need to see a doctor for a further diagnosis. 

Ear Leakage

Ear wax often leaks out of the ears when affected by sickness. Do not be alarmed if your ear feels funny and you reach up to find that something is coming out of your ears. This is just your ears way of draining the wax from the inside out. Use a Q-tip to gently wipe the wetness from the outside of your ear. 

When to Contact a Doctor

While the above points are common, it is important to contact a Nevada ENT doctor, when you are unsure what is going on or your symptoms worsen. If you have a sore throat that will not ease, chances are you may have strep throat and need further treatment. If you have hearing loss or are unable to smell, this is another reason to visit your doctor. 

If you are unable to treat your symptoms or simply feel awful, do hesitate to visit your physician. They are here to help and will quickly have you back on track and feeling better in no time.  

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