Straight A Leadership—Alignment, Action and Accountability

Updated on January 24, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-01-24 at 7.52.54 AMJoin a gathering of western Pennsylvania’s leading healthcare executives for an afternoon with the acclaimed Quint Studer, best-selling author and founder of Studer Group, recipient of the 2010 Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award.

Today more than ever, executives must produce ‘Straight A’ work.

Quint will share his wealth of thoughtful, evidence-based insights on addressing alignment, action and accountability in your own organization and offer tools to help you get moving in the right direction.

Who Should Attend:

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • CEO welcomed guests
    • Chief Financial Officer
    • Chief Medical Officer
    • Chief Nursing Officer
    • Chief Operating Officer
    • Director Quality/Patient Safety

Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013


3:00 p.m.: Registration

3:30-5:00 p.m.: Straight A Leadership—Alignment, Action and Accountability

5:00-6:00 p.m.: Reception with Quint Studer


Hospital Council of Western Pennsylvania Conference Center
500 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15086

To register, visit

This rare opportunity to meet Quint Studer is brought to you at no fee thanks to Amerinet. 

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